The 4 main british political parties lowest point

urban genie

Well-Known Member
11 May 2008
With the last 2 day leadership announcements

All 4 main political parties in the UK Labour, C&U libdems and SNP all now have terrible leaders

Discuss, or don't
Think Labour and conservatives have leaders many , many levels above either Liberals or SNP in terribleness. Those 2 probably have their worst ever leaders, the SNP and Liberals probably not. In fact in Scotland Sturgeon is probably one of the most successful UK political leaders in electoral terms over the last 20 years, or since Blair and before him Thatcher.
I know you will probably point to voting record as a Government Minister, but what’s wrong with Swinson?
I know you will probably point to voting record as a Government Minister, but what’s wrong with Swinson?
I wondered that, don't know much about her myself. What I do wonder is can she appeal to any disseffected tory MPs If she can entice 2 or 3 over it wipes out any Johnson + DUP majority.
Sturgeon is no different to farage. How she gets a pass in the media is beyond me. Soap box shouter who did her time under salmond. Nationalistic idiot who can talk in front of people with trump like rhetoric.
Nonsense she's a million miles from Farage, she is a nationalist yes. But away from that they have a wide range of domestic policies which despite Scotland not wanting independence the voters in Scotland vote for repeatedly. She'll probably win the next election too. At the Westminster election before last she returned 53 from 56 seats. Unless you think Scottish voters are right wing Farage Trump loons this doesn't happen to bad politicians. Trump like rhetoric like what?
Don't know enough about Swinson to make a judgment.
Although I thoroughly disagree with the main thing Sturgeon stands for I think she is an effective leader.
Corbyn should be miles ahead in the polls but isn't due to an inability to lead the Labour Party effectively and make it a broad church that could appeal to most people. He can't even gain the support of the PLP.
Johnson is simply a buffoon supported mostly by ERG types and senile old duffers - which coincidentally make up a majority of Conservative Party members.
I wondered that, don't know much about her myself. What I do wonder is can she appeal to any disseffected tory MPs If she can entice 2 or 3 over it wipes out any Johnson + DUP majority.

The liberals were disappointed she didn’t go for it last time so they obviously like her.
I know you will probably point to voting record as a Government Minister, but what’s wrong with Swinson?

I wondered that, don't know much about her myself. What I do wonder is can she appeal to any disseffected tory MPs If she can entice 2 or 3 over it wipes out any Johnson + DUP majority.

Nothing wrong with Swinson - As a junior party in a coalition it is easy to cop for all the fall out but in reality they would have been a moderating force, we will never know how much worse it would have been if Cameron had an outright majority.

The reality is that Corbyn / Johnson are divisive toxic leaders who play to the base while demanding loyalty from the moderates on whose votes they are reliant on to ever win an election. They are both terrible leaders. The SNP don't have any moderates as there whole mission is a single extreme populist proposition. In comparison Swnison is on a different level as she isn't toxic/divisive in any way, they are the opposite broadening their appeal and that is why the Lib Dems are on the up big time.
Nothing wrong with Swinson - As a junior party in a coalition it is easy to cop for all the fall out but in reality they would have been a moderating force, we will never know how much worse it would have been if Cameron had an outright majority.

The reality is that Corbyn / Johnson are divisive toxic leaders who play to the base while demanding loyalty from the moderates on whose votes they are reliant on to ever win an election. They are both terrible leaders. The SNP don't have any moderates as there whole mission is a single extreme populist proposition. In comparison Swnison is on a different level as she isn't toxic/divisive in any way, they are the opposite broadening their appeal and that is why the Lib Dems are on the up big time.

Swinson just said that if leave won in a second referendum she still wouldn't support it in Parliament.

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