The 4 main british political parties lowest point

Swinson just said that if leave won in a second referendum she still wouldn't support it in Parliament.

Nor would most of those screaming for a second ref as if its whats needed to solve brexit.

Id have more respect if they just came out with "i want another vote until i get the result i want".

Funny that its leavers that are claimed as just wanting to win.
The argument for a second ref is six months or so out of date. The opposition will increasingly focus on revoking A50. The battleground is no deal vs no Brexit.

Which is the right course of action.

If they revoke the electorate will decide their fates in the future but at least the country has moved on from brexit one way or the other.

A second ref will solve nothing and create even more trouble for everyone.
Which is the right course of action.

If they revoke the electorate will decide their fates in the future but at least the country has moved on from brexit one way or the other.
Haha, we're never moving away from Brexit. Whatever happens, we now live in a world where for the rest of my life, Brexit will be ever present. Everything that goes wrong in the country will be blamed by someone on us leaving or not leaving the EU and it will be argued about for decades.
Which is the right course of action.

If they revoke the electorate will decide their fates in the future but at least the country has moved on from brexit one way or the other.

A second ref will solve nothing and create even more trouble for everyone.

I think they will campaign on revoke, the Lib Dems that is.
Tbf I shouldn't have included sturgeon as in effect Ian Blackford leads the SNP on a united kingdom level, if I include her then really mark drakeford should also be included as welsh First minister

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