The Album Review Club - Week #139 - (page 1815) - Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War Of The Worlds

there are numerous favourite bits on the album. One of mine is on Can Utility and the Coastliners, after verse 2 there is a drum and keyboard break that is perfection leading into verse 3.


drum and organ break (accompanied by controlled air drumming).

...far from the north, overcast ranks advance
It's the melotron. When writing out my piece on the album, I just presumed that EVERYBODY loves the sound of the melotron. That's why i believe it has the best intro of any album.... it actually irritated FogBlueinSanFran!! haha. Each to their own and all that, isn't it?
I though this was a blag at first. Until it gets to a certain point, it sounds 100%:
I wont bang on about this as I know nowt about prog rock, or genesis.
So with nothing to compare it to I can only comment on what was put before me, a simple do I like it or not.

I liked it more than I thought I would, without being blown away. Bit of a special mention for my favourite track on here, 'time table' I liked that track straight away, it's really good.
What it has done, is make me want to listen to more of this genre, as I'm sure there will be stuff out there that I will really like, if this album is anything to go by, which can only be a good thing right?

It's a healthy 6/10, and another interesting pick.
Cheers Mark, enjoyed getting to know it, sorry I can't do it justice in words, others have (and will) do it with much more competence than me!
It's the melotron. When writing out my piece on the album, I just presumed that EVERYBODY loves the sound of the melotron. That's why i believe it has the best intro of any album.... it actually irritated FogBlueinSanFran!! haha. Each to their own and all that, isn't it?
I though this was a blag at first. Until it gets to a certain point, it sounds 100%:

It is funny reading the reviews of an album you absolutely love. First Kates live album and now this one. Almost everyone treads a respectful line, pushing constructive criticism. Once in a while though, there is a line or even a phrase that has me bridling and having to stop myself getting into flame war posting!! Funny how criticism of music you love can cause such a visceral reaction. Or maybe it’s just my immaturity. If it is, it’s a bit late for me to grow up. :-)
I’ll look forward to revisiting this. I tend to listen to the live Seconds Out version more and my favourite Genesis is the period after Gabriel left and before they became a pop band but I have listened to the earlier stuff as well. Good to have a reason to listen again
I heard the Seconds out version 1st ,and always preferred it to the album version.altho both are more than decent.
An absolutely belting track
Not a fan of prog rock, always found it tedious and hard work. The tracks always seemed to be far too long, with unnecessarily self indulgent solos. Hence I've not really been arsed with early genesis (or later genesis for that matter)

When I looked at the track times on this my heart sank a little, the best part of an hour, and only 6 tunes.
Another fucking bore fest then I presumed.
I was fully expecting to instantly hate it, call it shite and move on.
So I stuck it on in the car on the way home from work and I was pleasantly surprised, it's no way near as "proggy" as I expected. Ok it's a bit of a culture shock for the untrained ear, but once I tuned in, I found myself liking it far more than I expected to. There's plenty here to keep me interested. It's unpredictable, which I really like in music. If this is typical of early genesis then maybe I've been missing out?
Looking forward to giving it a proper go now.

This thread is brilliant for the reasons stated above, no way would I have listened to this, not a chance.
So far so good, and another great pick.
I first brought a 2nd hand copy of Foxtrot 30 years you I'd never heard anything like it before in my life,which is always a good start..some dull bits but overall a good album with Suppers Ready and Watcher the pick of the bunch.
It is funny reading the reviews of an album you absolutely love. First Kates live album and now this one. Almost everyone treads a respectful line, pushing constructive criticism. Once in a while though, there is a line or even a phrase that has me bridling and having to stop myself getting into flame war posting!! Funny how criticism of music you love can cause such a visceral reaction. Or maybe it’s just my immaturity. If it is, it’s a bit late for me to grow up. :-)
Is fine, just call me out on it mate....... ;-)
It’s all about Supper isn’t it tbh. A bit like Yes with the Going For The One album, everything else cowers in the shadow of Awaken.
I missed this the first time I read your piece! "Going For The One" (the song) is one of my favo(u)rite things Yes did, and I love how it sounds so different with that steel guitar. And I really like the lyrics and chorus. I'm sad they didn't do more stuff like this, when they sounded like a rock and roll band, rather than "just" a prog band. In fact if you could somehow eliminate the Serial King of Keyboard Pretension Rick Wakeman from the song it'd be even better. Not that he's always bad (I like Yes, especially Chris Squire and Bill Bruford) but he adds nothing to this particular tune.
I think Collins gets a lot of grief but I actually quite enjoy the group's music from when he was lead singer. One of the first albums I bought was Genesis (1983) and I still play it regularly, but I remember them not being trendy at the time (I don't think I ever admitted to buying the album back then) and to add to that you had the Pete Gabriel fans dissing them at the same time, although their albums were going platinum in the UK and USA so they were winning over new fans.

I find it interesting how their albums move from the prog-rock era to the pop-rock era, it's a gradual change and I understand why some hated it but they couldn't keep on just trying to be like they were. In my view they were good at both genres.
I think this is quite fair and one of the reasons Duke was so interesting/schizophrenic with its old school Tony Banks-driven stuff and Rutherford's guitar-forward stuff and then its Phil Collins new poppy stuff. As I mentioned before, you take the 25 best Genesis tunes over their life as band and you'd have an absolutely incredible package and you can map that transition.

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