The Album Review Club - Week #143 - (page 1884) - I Should Coco - Supergrass

Amazingly that mention this song by ST as it is one of the worst tracks I have ever heard and one of the reasons I don't listen to the album in full at all these days but I agree the album is otherwise a great listen all things considered albeit Fools Overture is for reasons I still don't know is the only song of theirs I have on my playlist.

Red Red Wine again a shocker and I like some with the emphasis on some of Neil Diamonds material a lot.

I am actually starting to believe Fog that I am an older facsimile of you when it comes to musical tastes but am happy if I ever come across something we demur on to state my case as to why but I am starting to think that might not happen at all which concerns me a tad (LOL).
It is actually scary, it really is!! It’s not just that we like and dislike the same things, but the level of our likes and dislikes are so similar!!

“Child of Vision” is one of my very favo(u)rite songs of all time. And the album cover is top five for me :)
No skin off my nose as I have mentioned; however, if I see grade inflation due to the Greatest Hits nature of this I may need to lob a score in just to keep things honest.
I already plan to deduct at least a point for a GH as I'm with you on that vs. other albums that are original releases that stand (or fall) on their own.
You in fact mention that his records have a lot of filler (my God, those tunes must be like Dante’s Ninth Level) so if this is a particular case of a singles artist forcing his fans to buy a lot of dross just to get the song they like, I may have to change my view on him from “honest musician whose music I cannot abide” to “cynical grifting middlebrow taking advantage of his hapless fans by producing music that appeals to the lowest common denominator and covering it in shit because he knows they’ll pay $9.99 a pop for four minutes on a 40 minute record.”
I'm not so sure you are making it all the way over the bridge this week!

The only question is which track will be the one where Thelma will meet Louise?
It is actually scary, it really is!! It’s not just that we like and dislike the same things, but the level of our likes and dislikes are so similar!!

“Child of Vision” is one of my very favo(u)rite songs of all time. And the album cover is top five for me :)
LOL Its the stand out for me on the album it really is what a contrast to the previous track and a funny thing is that while keen on a flatmate ( never a good ending ) during my uni days playing this song over and over again for simple analogy to her penchant for the goggle box until I was stood aside for a Led Zepp bootlegger. Woman and music often misunderstood but the message lives on and at least she wasn't a fan of Bob Seger.

Clever words in that always there is hope when there is despair , fun album cover definitely iconic on so many levels hence some of the conspiracy theories that followed. Never get tired of listening to COV albeit I certainly don't play it as often as I did many moons ago but in the end only fond memories of Heather Bowles where ever though art now.
I'll get this one out the way early. I've powered through two listens, I'm comfortable that this is not the type of album that a 3rd would reveal anything more to me.

I don't think it is a surprise to either of us that my and dlbh's tastes, and attitudes, are quite different. And my discomfort with this type/genre is known.

I could leave it there and opt out with a polite personal dismissal. But I do think that would be somewhat discourteous and passive. So I'll show my respect here by giving it my time and honest thoughts, like with any other album by anyone else.

He is obviously a very capable musician, with good guitar skills and a pleasant voice. And a whole back catalogue of successful songs that many like. It is certainly far more accessible and easier listen to than most of the latest albums we have had. It is, to borrow from bimbo, 'nice'.

That in itself is probably a compliment. For me, that is not enough or what I'm after. It is conventional, safe, unoriginal, repetative, and completely formulaic. It doesn't challenge me, doesn't seem to challenge itself. It feels done for the masses, diluted enough that neither your teenage daughter nor granny will really mind it, and both can be happy with it on. Basically, it is the fucking foo fighters, minus the wristbands and the frowning.

The best song on it for me was we've got tonight, I know a cover. Night moves is a good song too. Beyond that, it was all a bit samey. Now that could be either 'because of' the fact it is a greatest hits album, and he handpicked very similar popular songs. Or it could be 'in spite of' that fact. I don't know enough to think one way or the other. My natural expectation of a best of album would be more variety, with a bigger range to pick from.

While it didn't do much for me musically, what it did do, was make me question myself, and my habits. I.e whether I tend to inherently repel the more popular, and gravitate towards niche. But I think that's just how it tends to fall, and it is not through conscious intent. The widely popular and rated albums tend to, for me, feel diluted and done for the lowest common denominator. And I've found that when I am put off by bands I actually like, becoming popular. I.e it is not their popularity I have an issue with, but the gradual removal of what I found unique and individual to them. And that's what this felt like, and I was not surprised when hammer posted the sales fact.

Having gone this far, might as well put a score against it now. It feels wrong to give this a lower score than I have to some recent albums that it is clearly 'better' than in most conventional senses. But this isn't bloody masterchef here, and I am not taking the role of a talent judge or critic. I'm simply putting an arbitrary number to my reaction to an album, which to me is probably a 4. A 3, given that it is a greatest hits and for that the standard should be somewhat higher.
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I'll get this one out the way early. I've powered through two listens, I'm comfortable that this is not the type of album that a 3rd would reveal anything more to me.

I don't think it is a surprise to either of us that my and dlbh's tastes, and attitudes, are quite different. And my discomfort with this type/genre is known.

I could leave it there and opt out with a polite personal dismissal. But I do think that would be somewhat discourteous and passive. So I'll show my respect here by giving it my time and honest thoughts, like with any other album by anyone else.

He is obviously a very capable musician, with good guitar skills and a pleasant voice. And a whole back catalogue of successful songs that many like. It is certainly far more accessible and easier listen to than most of the latest albums we have had. It is, to borrow from bimbo, 'nice'.

That in itself is probably a compliment. For me, that is not enough or what I'm after. It is conventional, safe, unoriginal, repetative, and completely formulaic. It doesn't challenge me, doesn't seem to challenge itself. It feels done for the masses, diluted enough that neither your teenage daughter nor granny will really mind it, and both can be happy with it on. Basically, it is the fucking foo fighters, minus the wristbands and the frowning.

The best song on it for me was we've got tonight, I know a cover. Night moves is a good song too. Beyond that, it was all a bit samey. Now that could be either 'because of' the fact it is a greatest hits album, and he handpicked very similar popular songs. Or it could be 'in spite of' that fact. I don't know enough to think one way or the other. My natural expectation of a best of album would be more variety, with a bigger range to pick from.

While it didn't do much for me musically, what it did do, was make me question myself, and my habits. I.e whether I tend to inherently repel the more popular, and gravitate towards niche. But I think that's just how it tends to fall, and it is not through conscious intent. The widely popular and rated albums tend to, for me, feel diluted and done for the lowest common denominator. And I've found that when I am put off by bands I actually like, becoming popular. I.e it is not their popularity I have an issue with, but the gradual removal of what I found unique and individual to them. And that's what this felt like, and I was not surprised when hammer posted the sales fact.

Having gone this far, might as well put a score against it now. It feels wrong to give this a lower score than I have to some recent albums that it is clearly 'better' than in most conventional senses. But this isn't bloody masterchef here, and I am not taking the role of a talent judge or critic. I'm simply putting an arbitrary number to my reaction to an album, which to me is probably a 4. A 3, given that it is a greatest hits and for that the standard should be somewhat higher.
We've Got Tonight is not a cover !
No, I can't see it.

Perhaps I wasn't clear before: I detest every single one of his hits. ALL of them. Including some that are missing on the record in question.

The battle over which I hate most isn't even interesting. I hate them all equally.

OK, maybe I hate "We've Got Tonight" a little more than the others.


I'm not going to listen to find out, I can assure you.

Again -- this isn't hyperbole. I hate, hate, hate, hate his music.

Hate it.

PS. I'm sure he's a great guy.
Quick question.....
You have a bonfire and can only throw one item onto it
a. Pete Bob Segers Greatest Hits
b. A Liverpool scarf
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