Well-Known Member
The Beasties were funny as hell and Eminem can be (more clever/shock humour than funny per se IMO). I liked Public Enemy because their message was savage and social, though often turned inwards on the African-American community itself. Not sure if MIA counts as hip-hop and she’s turned into a bit of a nutcase now, but her early stuff is incredible. Anyhow, within the genre there are some brilliant artists. I find hip-hop more accessible and likable when blended with pop/metal/rock riffs, or when it has a social perspective or doesn’t take itself seriously. As usual, I get turned off by songs about me, me, me.We all have our prejudices and pet hates, and I'm afraid the whole rap/hip-hop genre is one of mine.
The best thing to come out of it is Weird Al Yankovich's parody, "Amish Paradise", which I know has been discussed before - and that's because it's funny and not really anything to do with the music. I do like "Walk this Way" by Aerosmith/Run DMC, but I'm not generally a fan of the whole rap attitude thing.