The appreciate you dad thread.

Giles said:
I hate my dad. He's a miserable, child-beating cnut.

I had to cancel my reply to that for fear of being banned. However, i know where ur comin from mate ? Some people eh ;-)
Sorry to hear of your loss fbloke.

My dad took me to maine road years ago, and had a season ticket, and travelled over on the Blackpool coach with my mum, until a few years ago when the walk from the coach park to the Colin Bell caused him to be too out of breath and ill, and the walk back to the coach made him physically sick.

He took medical advice, and consequently was found to have a form of cancer. As an ex navy man, who had never had any illness or operation in his life he dealt with this in a dignified and brave way. He gave up his season ticket, as did my mum, as they dealt with this obstacle.

To cut a very long story short, he has made a recovery from his illness, and as a treat i took him to the notts county game in the cup which involved a walk right the way around the ground as we had been moved due to the away ticket allocation, and ended up in the top tier of the west stand. I was concerned , to say the least about the old boy doing the trek.

Not being funny, but, fuck me he left me standing on the spirals and left me out of breath!!!!!!!

He couldnt make it to wembley, but lived and breathed every minute of it, and will be cheering us on in the final.

I was at the snooker yesterday, on tv, on the front row, and wore my city polo with pride....My dad watched and texted me today to say how good it felt.

Thanks for taking me to my first game in 77 dad, and look for ward to a pint when that daft banner comes down at the piggery.

Sorry to go on, but this thread has made me shed a tear, in a very, very sad, but optimistic way.

Oh, and we managed a "mini" poznan at that cup game.


Condlonces fbloke,keep strong mate.

My old man left us 5 years ago last week.R.I.P.Jackbhoy ;)
Took me to nearly every ground in Scotland,from about 1964/65.
Stenhousemuir,Arbroath,East Fife, name it,he took me.
Come Christmas 1967,"what do you want for crimbo son"
"a Man City top da"...old man scratching his head,"a fukn Man City top,fuk"
"well ok,but why City son"
"cos i love them and their top Da"

He always brought that up,and used to phone with the usual comments,
"yer City done not bad the day son"or others.
To you Dad,both Cup WINNERS this year,God Bless ye.
Never been mega close to my dad it was the case of hows your grades at school and are you paying attention, to your going college and thats it, to well don't quit your job unless you've got an offer from another place. So basically when it comes to education and work he's always made sure I've stuck by, on a personal base he's never seemed like the kind of person to share things with he's more of a parent then a friend but we're the same like that in a way (feeling sharing). Our only ever proper convos are about City really and the first time we've had a proper hug with feeling came straight after Yaya scored on Saturday.

Funny how football can mean alot more then just a sport to some.
Interesting the ammount of people here who's dads are United supporters, I thought I was kinda unique in that regard :P
Its coming up to the 5th annivesary of my dad passing away and i still think of him everyday, i was only 10yrs old when my mum passed away so was brought up by my dad, he wasnt just my dad he was my best mate too and he took me to my first City game years ago. He was getting on a bit when i moved out to be with my then partner and now wife and little girl but as i was loading the van to move my things out i remember him saying dont forget about me and still call round ......... had a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye when he said that and still do now when i think about it.
Sorry about your Dad fbloke, but sounds like you will have memories of good times to keep you going like most of the blues on here.

My Dad passed when i was 18, im now 54. H wasnt a bad Dad, just a liitle old and set in his ways and enjoyed his mates in the Lord Lion on Claremont Road, plus had had other kids, so didnt do the father - son stuff. We became mates just before he died though.
Now I'm a Dad and my little boy was 24 yesterday. I tried to do everything I would have liked to have done with him and now I feel he is a better man than me. We hug everyday and talk city shit. I suppose I'm trying to tell you maybe this is what your Dad's thought of you but never said.
It's great being James's Dad and a bigger blue you will never find and a proud Manc.
I lost my Dad in 2008 and he is the reason (and to blame!) for my love of City. Really miss our conversations (moaning) about the blues, and I'm so grateful that he made sure I went down the right path.

If we win the final there will be a tear in my eye for him as well.

Thanks Mr Conway.

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