Well-Known Member
I live about 20 minutes from the hotel the press conference was at and I would generally go to it if I was in Dublin but lucky for me I wasn't there. I know of the background. 1 of the fighters is Jamie Kavanagh and if it is related to what they think gangland then its more than likely for someone who was there with Kavanagh. Basically Jamies dad was a big time player in trafficking drugs into Ireland and the UK. His dad got murdered there a little over a year ago and this could be a hit to do with this. The lads who say about MGM its true in that gym a lot of the Irish main drug lords on the Costa love there boxing and have been seen in MGM and are regularly at fights in Dublin and any MGM cards. This is were for Jamie it is bad I don't know who got shot. I cant believe it happened in Dublin but its shocking and I hope whoever done this get caught. My prayers tonight for the dead mans family and to the 2 others in hospital I hope they recover from this. This is a potential KO blow to boxing in Dublin and to MGM who have been doing some local shows over the past 12 months.