The brass band

And I'd get rid of that shit they have at the beginning. It's what I call the Hypocrisy Club. The Fair Play Handshake and then some teams kick the shit out of yer, or their goalie takes five minutes for each goal kick. Fair play, my arse! And that shite about the ball on a stick at the beginning. Run out of the tunnel, toss up, or if it's the Alty Tit, toss off, kick off and we go! All media bull shine. We'll be having TV coverage for the nextgame five minutes after the last one finished before too long!

I'm with you Dave. Didn't bother going yesterday because the stage managed 'joy' is not my cup of tea. Will be there Wednesday.
I for one loved it, top day out and to see the joy on my mate's grandsons face was just fantastic, come on guys lighten up. The band maybe not some people's cup of tea but it was different and I thought it was just a bit of fun. Tin hat on waiting for the abuse, cheers .
The band were okay, . Not sure what people want from a presentation, they're always a bit shite. Just want to see the trophy in the captain's hands and then I'm happy.
Personally i thought they were great.
Definitely added to the party atmosphere and got the crowd going.
Some people need to get out more...or maybe not!
Now now Worsley, i never said that did i.
It's the babies, confetti, flame throwers, brass bands, guard of honour and karaoke i didn't wanna see.
So you would much rather see us shit, nothing fancy at the end of the season, trudging off because we have won NOTHING...
Thank fuck I don't live in your world...

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