The British Monarchy

It’s too complex to post. You have to find the root of the individuals issue that makes them homeless as everyone’s situation is different.

Providing a free bed and free food is a much needed short term solution but does nothing long term as you cannot provide forever.
So it’s nothing to do with whether we have a monarchy or not?
Theres no point because you’ve got no point to come back with ;-)

Have a great day.
No point because anyone who likens privately owned serviced available for hire hotel rooms with unused state owned, taxpayer funded rooms in a stately home is a fool, and because I never, (would never) advocated turning Buck Palace into a council estate, you just arbitrarily came up with that idea from somewhere and kind of made out that I suggested it.
I repeat, no point.
No point because anyone who likens privately owned serviced available for hire hotel rooms with unused state owned, taxpayer funded rooms in a stately home is a fool, and because I never, (would never) advocated turning Buck Palace into a council estate, you just arbitrarily came up with that idea from somewhere and kind of made out that I suggested it.
I repeat, no point.

But what about the Etihad? No comment on that point?
Most of these hating on the monarchy are only doing so because its a 'hipster' thing to do. They don't care really, a bit like they don't really care about the homeless. In fact, they probably look down on them on the way to the bank, or to pick up their latest phone after having an internet rant about these bastard sweatshops. You know the type. They want to open the gates to everybody as long as they don't live on my private road. Fake socialists, or New, New Labour as I call them(Labour voter all my life btw). The internet is full of them. P.S. I couldn't give two fucks either way regarding the Monarchy.
I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea but FFS. You need to have a break from the Daily Express for your own sake.
When you're reading the Guardian, and similar anti royalist papers, you'd think these two were adored by the public.When the fact is that their primary income source relies on trashing the institution, it doesn't take a mensa genius to work out why they're most certainly not.
That would be a bonus. Thing is, in terms of making the Monarchy fit or relevant for next generation or so, Harry and Megan would be a good call. It will never happen, but for its own survival it should.

just when I think my views can’t get any different to yours you come out and state that you would like to see Harry and Megan be king and queen. Meanwhile normal people see a pussy whipped knob head and an absolute knightmare of a women who has gone on the tv spouting horseshit to make money.

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