The British Monarchy

Don’t think he understands much to be honest.

Mostly ceremonial for the public view but the monach gets a red box from the government everyday that they go through and sign what needs to and gives some feedback , the monach meets with the prime minister every week and they discuss government business , they have to not be involved in politics or critise the gov or police etc publicly so was never going to comment on the riots

When the election has happened the pm , so sunak, dissolved parliment and goes to the monach to resign and whoever won the election , so starmer, goes to the monach and asks their permission to form a new government , the monach is the head of state as well as commander in chief and head of the church of england so they are important to our whole institution

The late queen famously did the pm change over and red box up until the last two days of her life , at times of crisis she did her address to the nation to keep our spirits up , covid being the last time . I think william should have taken over from the late queen , camilla being queen boils my piss some what !

They weild soft power hence they meet everyone and hosts state visits , like the US president and heads of every nation , the late queen was loved by all the presidents and prime ministers , they all wanted to meet her , i wish she had written a book , would have been amazing

Sorry bit tired but i hope it makes some sense !

Its all symbolic nowadays Eamo. The taking of Charles 1sts head in the English civil war put paid to an absolute monarchy. The tourists love emm though and as long as we don't take them too seriously then it's a keep from me.

I met the lad a few times, and he always projected as a pleasant chap, although in his senior years he is getting a bit tetchy and grumpy. A keen gardener and horticulturist by all accounts who still chats to his plants: Its good to talk.
Thanks for that.
I have heard the argument before that the amount they add to the economy through tourism outweighs the cost of their opulence.
It may well be true. I’ve no idea.
I do have other difficulties with a non democratically voted for, head of state that is also head of the church. I grew up in a a state where the church was not separated but thankfully that is a thing of the past in The Republic. It may well still be a bone of contention in any attempt at unity up North. But I’ll leave last word on that to those living up there that would know better than me.

I don’t think you will ever have a modern United Kingdom, that can truly call itself ‘United’, without separation of church and state.
I’m fully aware I’m looking at this from the outside in, but hopefully objectively, with nothing but good intentions for peaceful coexistence of everyone on the Islands.
But I could never be part of a United Kingdom where an Irish/Northern Irish, Scots or Welsh person, could never aspire to being head of state. That is the birthright of one English family only. Unless I’m totally reading Royalty wrongly. But does this not lead to the rise of English Nationalism that we see at time like this, with the current rioting?
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But I could never be part of a United Kingdom where an Irish/Northern Irish, Scots or Welsh person, could never aspire to being head of state. That is the birthright of an English person only. Unless I’m totally reading Royalty wrongly.
I think you'd make a smashing King if and when the lineage rules change. Actually they have, because you can now marry a catholic and not have to stand down which would be good news for me and I'm guessing good news for you.

Arise Eamo of the Isles or even Bob the first of his line. I have a balcony so will start to get some wave practice in.
I think you'd make a smashing King if and when the lineage rules change. Actually they have, because you can now marry a catholic and not have to stand down which would be good news for me and I'm guessing good news for you.

Arise Eamo of the Isles or even Bob the first of his line. I have a balcony so will start to get some wave practice in.
Well I’d consider myself lapsed Catholic now.
More agnostic leaning towards atheist to tell the truth. I think religion can be a unifying theme in a community, but ultimately in global terms, it’s a fallacy that will tear us apart.

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