The British Monarchy

If the monarchy falls, so does the aristocracy, the ludicrous British Empire honours system etc. It won’t make a financial difference but, over time, it will make a big difference to the social/class system, the law and the constitution.
As things stand one wonders how it would come about since our constitution forbids parliament from discussing it. (Bit of a clue there. Don’t forget the sovereign is immune, he cannot be arraigned in his own courts.)
I think for a long time the social contract meant people were previously much better disposed towards the aristocracy and those that ran the country.

There will always be a top, middle and bottom in a human society. It’s inevitable. Even if it’s founded entirely on happenstance.

But once those at the top start taking the piss, it eventually fragments. People will eventually say ‘fuck this as a way to order a society.’

The rich and the powerful need to be very careful imo.
Not going to lie, I loved the old girl. I thought she had a hugely attractive personality. She was canny, dutiful, kind, hard working, loved animals and was very funny. She actually had a brilliant sense of humour. And adored both her parents which has to be a good thing, surely?

And I think she exercised power well. And in a way that was benign.

Maybe not the best mum ever tbf, but nonetheless.

Was genuinely moved at her funeral.

But that was for her as a person, and what she’d lived through, not the the death of the Monarch per se.

Amazing to see her get a send off like that.

But life moves on. And think it’s now time to ditch this relic.

Can only see it going downhill from here on in.

The foundations have gone.
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Not going to lie, I loved the old girl. I thought she had a hugely attractive personality. She was canny, dutiful, kind, hard working, loved animals and was very funny. She actually had a brilliant sense of humour. And adored both her parents which has to be a good thing, surely?

And I think she exercised power well. And in a way that was benign.

Maybe not the best mum ever tbf, but nonetheless.

Was genuinely moved at her funeral.

But that was for her as a person, and what she’d lived through, not the the death of the Monarch per se.

Amazing to see her get a send off like that.

But life moves on. And think it’s now time to ditch this relic.

Can only see it going downhill from here on in.

The foundations have gone.

Hard to argue with any of that, apart from what you mean by "this relic" and to suggest the foundations are going, not gone yet. I can see the role and position of the royal family gradually changing from what it is now, after Charles, at least. If William has any sense he will institute change himself (voluntarily, as it were) without waiting for the inevitable enforced changes. The royal family will have to adapt to survive, clearly (assuming it can survive this one generation).
I’d completely forgotten that he’s up in his castle in Scotland at this time of year. He’ll have his kilt on, he actually assured the Scots that he would every day! He might shoot a few birds and mither a few deer.

He won’t say anything about what’s going on now but he might mention it in his Christmas speech though. Yeah ok.

Happy and glorious etc.
Better mithering a few deer than kids like his brother
Hard to argue with any of that, apart from what you mean by "this relic" and to suggest the foundations are going, not gone yet. I can see the role and position of the royal family gradually changing from what it is now, after Charles, at least. If William has any sense he will institute change himself (voluntarily, as it were) without waiting for the inevitable enforced changes. The royal family will have to adapt to survive, clearly (assuming it can survive this one generation).
Saw the Royal train at Edinburgh Waverley on Friday. He was going to the local offy to stock up on Tennant and Buckfast.
I liked the video they put out , nice to see that wills and kate touch each other ! Never seen that before . Of course it is good to see kate looking so well and she didnt lose her hair

Of course anything megan and harry put out on social media gets savaged by the same so called royal watchers who are gushing about this , they all hated them holding hands when on royal duties , they have always been tight together
Not going to lie, I loved the old girl. I thought she had a hugely attractive personality. She was canny, dutiful, kind, hard working, loved animals and was very funny. She actually had a brilliant sense of humour. And adored both her parents which has to be a good thing, surely?

And I think she exercised power well. And in a way that was benign.

Maybe not the best mum ever tbf, but nonetheless.

Was genuinely moved at her funeral.

But that was for her as a person, and what she’d lived through, not the the death of the Monarch per se.

Amazing to see her get a send off like that.

But life moves on. And think it’s now time to ditch this relic.

Can only see it going downhill from here on in.

The foundations have gone.
Not really surprised at reading that. ‘Maybe not the best mum’ but she ‘had a brilliant sense of humour’. Priorities sorted. She lived through entitlement and luxury even you as a posh twat couldn’t imagine. Ian McKellen has her right.

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