The Conservative Party/Government

Keeping people occupied on Rwanda stops them thinking about crumbling schools, the disaster that they’ve made of the NHS, polluting the waterways, and all the other major issues this country is going through.
I am firmly of the opinion that those at the top of the self-servatives are in that much of a bubble that the only people they interact with are the loony idiots for whom "stopping the boats" is all consuming and they genuinely are to isolated to realise that for the vast majority of the electorate it is a very minor issue.
If you listen to 30p Lee you begin to realise that only are they are not only after the right wing knuckle draggers but the ignorant Labour base.
It is dangerous to extrapolate too much from local election results when trying to predict how people will vote in the general election.
In a local election, you can vote for a green candidate, a single issue independent etc, but at a general election, most will vote for a candidate who can win against the opposition, that's why I don't think Reform Ltd will do as well as the polls suggest, and area's will have a much bigger Labour turnout than at the locals.
No idea who this Tory clown is on BBC at 8:46 who has just said that the choice is a Kier Starter led MOST LEFT WING GOVERNMENT this country has ever seen
Just heard Andrew Griffith (I think)

Oops, wrong thread but don't know how to cut and paste
Posted this in the wrong thread but have managed to move it here
You probably had the Tory call and not Labour because you'd previously said you were Tory. We can't get round to ask every previous Tory voter to ask if they've yet seen the light.
I haven't said anything to anyone mentioning who I vote for. The Tory lot came around here and handed out leaflets but that was that.

Labour were nowhere to be seen however this is a Labour area so they probably just didn't bother. But still people are expected to use actual energy to get out and vote for 'somebody' and 'something'?

Disillusionment with this system is on the up and who can be surprised?
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Have you actually engaged with a councillor?
Yes, we have a problem with our local train station where the car park was previously free and now it isn't. Guess what happened? Everybody now parks in their masses on the roads around the station which is causing havoc for residents.

Who operates the station? Northern, the nationalised train operator. They refuse to do anything about the problem despite them creating it and the councillors claim to have asked but any action has obviously been lost somewhere.

I'll ask again, what is the point in voting?

Who operates the station? Northern, the nationalised train operator. They refuse to do anything about the problem despite them creating it and the councillors claim to have asked but any action has obviously been lost somewhere.

I'll ask again, what is the point in voting?

To change and improve our circumstances and the way we live. It is the one power we have to determine our future.

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