The Conservative Party/Government

In trying to appease the right, the majority have been forgotten. When the median salary is 10x less than the average home; when bills have soared along with profits; when services cannot be accessed; when classes have to merge; when hospital appointments cannot be delivered; when contracts are awarded to the friends and family of MPs; when daily commentary about someone who may owe £1500 from more than 10 years ago comes before £500m of donor tax avoidance, a 22% tax rate for the PM, and a peer floating away on a yacht with quarter of a billion in her pocket, you have lost what it takes to build hope and respect for leaders. Blaming the vulnerable only adds to it. Creating false narratives about what the opposition would do adds to it. Speaking of all the work you need to do when you have been in power for fourteen years only adds to it.

Now, in failing to deliver on your own dark promises, you have opened the door to REFORM, and their willingness to let people drown at sea, and their appointment of believers only, and they have split your vote. In short, a mess of your own creation, and now that young people seek their news on alternative media, the ability to manipulate the narrative is lost. We are not wokes, snowflakes, lefties, radicals, Corbynistas, UK haters, or destroyers of traditional, British values. We just want things to work, we want proper services, we want leaders to pay their share, we want politicians to be honest, and we want everyone to make a contribution.
In trying to appease the right, the majority have been forgotten. When the median salary is 10x less than the average home; when bills have soared along with profits; when services cannot be accessed; when classes have to merge; when hospital appointments cannot be delivered; when contracts are awarded to the friends and family of MPs; when daily commentary about someone who may owe £1500 from more than 10 years ago comes before £500m of donor tax avoidance, a 22% tax rate for the PM, and a peer floating away on a yacht with quarter of a billion in her pocket, you have lost what it takes to build hope and respect for leaders. Blaming the vulnerable only adds to it. Creating false narratives about what the opposition would do adds to it. Speaking of all the work you need to do when you have been in power for fourteen years only adds to it.

Now, in failing to deliver on your own dark promises, you have opened the door to REFORM, and their willingness to let people drown at sea, and their appointment of believers only, and they have split your vote. In short, a mess of your own creation, and now that young people seek their news on alternative media, the ability to manipulate the narrative is lost. We are not wokes, snowflakes, lefties, radicals, Corbynistas, UK haters, or destroyers of traditional, British values. We just want things to work, we want proper services, we want leaders to pay their share, we want politicians to be honest, and we want everyone to make a contribution.
Hear fucking hear. Brilliant post.
A strand of Tory thinking is "If we become more like Reform we'll win at least some of their votes.'

What they forget is that at least an equal number of moderate/left Tories will be lost and that some will vote Lib Dem or even Labour.

It should by now be clear to everyone that loopy right-wing populism does not work and is indeed fated not to work because of its internal contradictions and inconsistencies.
Definitely needs help but I'm not really sure how effective referring her to Prevent would be.

The problem she cannot see is that she thinks the answer is to move further to the Right to make things better to avoid Leftist maniac type policies ............. they have just had their arses spanked by an electorate voting for what she sees as the policy of maniacs. As has happened in by-election after by-election and in the last council elections - its not Right the voting public wants - they are clearly favouring Left leaning policies.

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