The Conservative Party

One would think so, though over time there would likely be a reshaping of the two ‘main’ parties, with independent parties leaving to appear further to the left and right, respectively.
Can we not just have a common sense party .. it’d make life so easier for all ;)
Unless there are ulterior motives.
When due consideration is given to the variuos papers and books written by our leading politicians now installed in the Cabinet, the economy is being helped on its way to the vision they have. Crush it, collapse the welfare state, make a few bob along the way from disaster capitalism, then rebuild it the way they think it should be organised.

Johnson refused to have the OBR produce it's impact statement into the effects of Brexit. Truss is refusing any OBR assessments. That can be seen as reckless, or a single minded determination in pursuuit ideology.

Theyre not flying blind. They know exactly what they are doing.
When due consideration is given to the variuos papers and books written by our leading politicians now installed in the Cabinet, the economy is being helped on its way to the vision they have. Crush it, collapse the welfare state, make a few bob along the way from disaster capitalism, then rebuild it the way they think it should be organised.

Johnson refused to have the OBR produce it's impact statement into the effects of Brexit. Truss is refusing any OBR assessments. That can be seen as reckless, or a single minded determination in pursuuit ideology.

Theyre not flying blind. They know exactly what they are doing.
Totally agree.
Mate, some people are benefitting from this. Especially those that have their pensions in shares.

Talking to a couple of the elder, they don’t take others into account as there’s are a little bit older and doing quite well.

I find it strange as I don’t do shares, I make sure it’s shared around with my kids/family. Why wouldn’t you want to share, why would you allow somebody to make a profit on your hard earned?
Some of my money is in a pension fund and that has lost thousands of pounds over the last few years: so don't be misled that some if us are raking it in.
But if they accept that they are done for in 2 years time, why put up anyone with an iota of talent to try to save it? Who knows, only time will tell.
I can see that, but they have a large majorty, and could still be in power after a large swing, or at least in a coalition.
Not pulling your weight in an election isn't goimg to sit well with the rank and file, either.
Some of my money is in a pension fund and that has lost thousands of pounds over the last few years: so don't be misled that some if us are raking it in.
I get it, mate. One of the charities that I I’m a trustee of has just had about 200,000 wiped out from it. What I am saying is that people will make decisions on their own personal circumstances.
But if they accept that they are done for in 2 years time, why put up anyone with an iota of talent to try to save it? Who knows, only time will tell.
The Tory think tank is playing a dangerous game with all out futures. Push some half wit in as new PM. Encourage her to take a desperate gamble by spending money we don’t have based purely on the chance the gamble comes off and it’s a master stroke. If and more likely the gamble doesn’t come off, they lose the GE and into No 10 walks Starmer to deal with the mother of all shit shows. 2 years later after a vote of no confidence Starmer goes to the country, loses and Bozo returns as PM. What a f*****g nightmare - problem is it could happen.

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