The Conservative Party

However, making individuals richer will have no benefit. They clearly think that will lead to them spending more cash too which will filter down, but that's so obviously not going to happen.

when pushed over the last couple of days not one of them has been able to produce a shred of historic evidence to show that it does work - all Kwarteng did was wheel out old already failed policies - he was reading the playlist from Tories - Their Worstest Hits
I know we're in a quasi 80s fashion revival. The Tories are jumping on it to bring back the yuppies.
Keir could learn from Reeves, she is a brilliant speaker - has that ability to cut through and destroy which he still lacks in my opinion. He still speaks as if it's a closing statement in court, appealing to common sense and compassion rather than attacking like he is in the school playground and everyone is an idiot. He needs to realise he's not in front of a judge he's in front of morons.

Isn't this a deliberate ploy by Labour?

Starmer plays this diplomatic, boring, unite the nation character, while his front bench attack the Conservatives directly.

Starmer is capable of being much more aggressive but whether it's a good plan or not, I think Labour believe a leader of the opposition who's just complaining about the government every week on every subject turns voters off after 12 years.
Good news all round for the oysters and champagne bar at St Pancras , back to weed, spoons , amazon jobs, online anti depressants prescriptions , isolation , for the serfs Top earners, the harder you work , get others to work the richer you will get, average person the harder you work the harder you work. Makes Cameron , Boris, Rishi look like Robin Hood so far .

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