The Conservative Party

The reduction in the value of the £ has been tried before, many times, and it is a failed policy.

We have to import many, many raw materials (to say nothing of fuel which is priced in dollars.) These increasing in cost means that output prices increase in cost very soon after, and bang goes your advantage.

Another issue is that UK assets - such as houses - become cheaper for foreign buyers. So speculators (like the Chinese) buy up more houses and flats to rent out. And people wonder why house prices and rents keep soaring.

This budget is a huge, reckless gamble. That it is perpetrated by an alleged 'Conservative' government - who have always claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility - is fucking mind-blowing.

It isn't quite on the scale of Adolf wanting to destroy Germany's infrastructure when he realised defeat was inevitable, but it is in the same ballpark.

If the UK public has any sense, the Tories will be smashed at the next GE.
Yep a hugely dangerous gamble - a gamble not about winning for the greater good, but simply to stay in power. I fear enough of the public - egged on by Murdoch and rothermere - will still vote for them. The ones who will benefit as well as the ones who think they could benefit one day. Perhaps one day people will realise the Tories don’t give a fuck about them or making life better for the majority. I doubt it though. Chatting to colleagues today and there’s apathy, nobody cares, it’s like everyone has been conditioned to not have an opinion and just accept the subservient status quo.

If and for me a very big if Labour somehow do get in (or as a coalition) the first thing they should do is reform the electoral system to make sure the Tories never have this power to abuse again.
I’m personally delighted with todays changes. Paying 45 percent tax on hard earned money is simply wrong and it’s the right thing to do to cut NI after the utter nonsense of an increase originally. Fantastic news on stamp duty too- Makes it much easier for the younger generation to buy their first property.

Very impressive start to your reign Ma’am.
Loads of Tory MP's tweeting praise for todays budget - all lies - they all avoid mentioning the disparity between millionaires and those on UC - mostly the 2019 intake in the red wall but interestingly quite a few long term hard liners - Redwood and Baker for example - who have less than a 10k majority. They know today was a take the money and run moment and they are going to lose their seats next GE
I’m personally delighted with todays changes. Paying 45 percent tax on hard earned money is simply wrong and it’s the right thing to do to cut NI after the utter nonsense of an increase originally. Fantastic news on stamp duty too- Makes it much easier for the younger generation to buy their first property.

Very impressive start to your reign Ma’am.
I’m personally delighted with todays changes. Paying 45 percent tax on hard earned money is simply wrong and it’s the right thing to do to cut NI after the utter nonsense of an increase originally. Fantastic news on stamp duty too- Makes it much easier for the younger generation to buy their first property.

Very impressive start to your reign Ma’am.
SDLT was zero for first time buyers upto £300k anyway.

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