The Conservative Party

They'll soon be the only people who can afford to be in pubs.

Unless they drink 60 pints 40 g&t's and eat 10 burgers a night there will be no pubs. People have both a wallet and a belly - if peoples wallets won't take them to a pub coz of costs those who can afford it need to take up the slack and there is a limit to consumption. Today was the final nail in your favourite boozers coffin lid
I said a few days ago that the pound would tank after the anouncement today, and lo and behold, it came to pass - 3% drop against the dollar. We're heading for parity with the dollar and it'll happen before the next election, bar for a miracle.
Today has seen a reversal of policy since the last election, and the 2 before that. What the fuck of a trick have they been playing on us for the last 12 years?
What an absolute piss-take.
Labour might still fuck it up from here, but, what a poisoned chalice to inherit.
I said a few days ago that the pound would tank after the anouncement today, and lo and behold, it came to pass - 3% drop against the dollar. We're heading for parity with the dollar and it'll happen before the next election, bar for a miracle.
Today has seen a reversal of policy since the last election, and the 2 before that. What the fuck of a trick have they been playing on us for the last 12 years?
What an absolute piss-take.
Labour might still fuck it up from here, but, what a poisoned chalice to inherit.
If the policy was sound the pound wouldn’t be collapsing especially with interest rates going up. The pound collapsing with the backdrop of higher interest rates is a sure fire indication that huge tax cuts for the very rich funded by massive borrowing is a really bad idea, and any marginal gains of the weak pound helping exports or in encouraging overseas investment are blown out of the water by excessive inflation and the sanctions we have imposed on ourselves due to our catastrophic implementation of Brexit.

Making a big deal of the benefits of a weak pound in these circumstances is like saying the lifeboats did a decent job on the Titanic even though the ship still sank.
Or they pay to put their kids through private school on which they pay no VAT. Or they put the extra into tax efficient trusts to benefit their kids. Or they buy a few more buy to lets. Or they do indeed buy stocks and shares as the markets continue to fall over the next few months...shall I go on?
Tory MPs in tourist areas audibly angry about making it even easier to buy property as second and third homes or as Airbnb. Kwarting then said he'd be willing to hear about the problems - doesn't he know?

The idea that they are looking after their heartlands is not right. They're losing rural areas and the "no we've not got an electoral pact" electoral pacts will mean whoever is best placed to beat the sitting Tory will do well.

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