The Conservative Party

So, they giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other.

"While the tax-cutting package brought forward a promised reduction in the basic rate of income tax from 20% to 19%, that cut will be more than offset by a decision to freeze the point at which people start paying tax. It means that some key workers will be paying more income tax next year"
I would have liked to see something a little more inventive than this mini budget.

I was wondering if there would be any practical way to put a one off tax on savings.

For example to freeze all bank and investment accounts overnight and Tax everyone say 1%
Someone with £100 in the bank would just be taxed £1.00
Someone with £1000 in the bank would just be taxed £10.00
Someone with £50,000 in the bank would be taxed £500
Someone with £1,000000 in the bank would be taxed £10,000

Seems a fair way of raising some cash with the lowest incomes paying the least while the highest income pay the most. Wherever anyone sits the impact is the same.
ha ha ha ha ha Haaannncooooccckkkkkkk


I hope people don’t ever fully lose sight of what a duplicitous cockwomble this excuse for a man is.
From the earliest days of the pandemic when he appeared on National TV to claim that the gvmt was working closely with the major supermarkets to ensure essential supplies would be available. This then refuted by all the supermarkets the next day. Through to his cosy arrangement with his pub landlord for covid protective goods Etc etc.

This twat will crawl back into a position of power one day.

In the vid you posted the way he bristles on challenges against the Tory hospital pledge is just typical. The fat oaf changed the definition of a new hospital when pesky Reporters started asking about progress against election pledges.

I really wish the interviewers would produce the election pledge document more often. And remind those being interviewed that Truss and co are not a new party with fresh manifesto.

Lest anyone forgets here are the pledges from the last election.
Hi Bill. Can you say why you believe Labour would be worse as my own thoughts differ to yours?
hi, past experiences mate . i was wary of Blair, but him being a Tory lite i thought he can't be that bad. they all but bankrupt the country . it's all well and good being a " do gooder " but it has to be paid for . that's why I am so disappointed with this government . they are going the same way.
i'll be ok, i'm comfortable , but my kids and their kids will pay for this for decades . not just in money but in services etc. i can help for now but i'll be dead by 2024, after that they are on their own . i have been called selfish in this thread , damn right i am. nobody has given me a thing , nor do I want owt.
i almost want a Labour victory to punish the Tories for their arrogance and complacency.
Not trawling through this thread, but the left's objections to the removal of the cap on bankers' bonuses is deeply flawed and the media coverage of it, pitiful.

It's as if the left think the government pays the bankers. They do not; the banks do.

Removing the cap isn't the government "giving the rich" anything, because they aren't giving them anything in the first place. In fact, if the bankers get paid more and since 99.99% of them, if not 100% are on PAYE, then the government will receive more tax, not less.

All this change is about is the government saying (quite rightly), "how much a company wants to pay its employees is fuck all to do with the government, and it is entirely wrong for the government to be meddling in companies' affairs by setting wage caps".

If wage caps on bankers' bonuses are OK, then why not caps on footballers pay? So we could encourage all the top talent to fuck off out of the UK and play abroad. I am sure that would be popular, NOT. So it seems people are quite happy for us to attract the best footballers with attractive pay packages, but that's not OK for our banks? That's a ludicrous position for the lefties to take. Many are bitter and resentful idiots though, so not unexpected.
How fucking misguided is this guy? Does he know that people are getting offered 12 and 16 hr week contracts because that benefits the employers - however when that is your contracted hours you can't do any more - thats it end of. If you go into say New Look or Costa several times a week to do your 16 hours you work hard - bloody hard. If you don't you are let go in fact often you end up doing an accumulative couple of hours a week unpaid. This fella on a five figure salary thinks people earning pennies are not hard working and should be penalised. Thats the groupthink in his cohort right now - Tory Britain has successfully persuaded a guy on £60 - £80k pa that the people who are the problem are people on £15k pa because they can also get benefits. FFS,

If you earn loads, you must have worked hard attitude. More odious is if you don't earn loads then you're not working hard. He's the type that if everyone walks into the office on Monday, no one would know that he was off sick ( apart formthe lack of bullshit spoken at the copier) but would soon notice if the office and bogs hadn't been cleaned. Who's more important to the running of the office?

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