Tories in this thread have no comeback on the current cluster fuck apart from dredging up some ridiculous whataboutery. Won't be long before the starmer is a Nonce protector is thrown back in.
Many thanks for posting this. It does make things clearer.Zen
I always found it a complicated subject and some of my understanding may be off as I retired a few years back.
Maybe and hopefully helpful is the following
The state pension is covered as long as long as enough folk continue to work and fund the lavish lifestyle of us oldies via NI contributions. The lower the overall sum of NI contributions the bigger the pressure on the gvmt finances. It’s why changes have been enforced on statutory retirement ages. Even putting payment commitments off by a year can have a big impact and help gvmts. Conversely the triple lock hammers the gvmt finances which is why the gvmt would love to do away with it. Ideal for the Tories would be a lot more pensioners dying, higher retirement ages to defer state pension payments and people working and paying NI for longer.
With regards public sector final salary type pensions many are 'unfunded' schemes in that there is no central fund, and they are paid for only by taxpayers year by year. Pensions of teachers, firefighters, NHS workers, the police and the armed forces are the best examples.
Of course MPs belong to a gold plated arrangement and
can choose to contribute at 1/40th, 1/50th or 1/60th In a final salary arrangement. It is a contributory pension with the contribution rates set at 11.9%, 7.9% and 5.9% of salary respectively. I think I understand that it’s about the best pension scheme still going. And why not coz they all work so hard for us commoners?
With regards most workers arrangements.
If you are in a defined contribution scheme like most folk your pension pot is safe and belongs to you and is invested in stocks and shares etc by whoever administers it. Of course, as the sales blurb goes the value of your pot can go up or down
If you are in (very luckily) a final salary scheme or have invested into a scheme that is now frozen or you’ve left it behind when working in a previous job it’s quite likely that a decent slug of the overall pot in the fund is invested in Gilts.
The last figure I saw was that overall in the UK Gilts account for some 20% of assets in these funds.
As the unit value of a gilt declines the organisation has to find a way to fill the shortfall to keep the fund topped up to assure that the liabilities can be met - where there’s a shortfall this is often done via a repayment plan.
This is what the reported worry is about. Where will companies find additional funds to top funds up as the value of Gilts falls….when often Boards of directors want to put shareholders dividends ahead of these payments or where the company is basically on its arse and has no spare cash or it wants to invest in technology or infrastructure or whatever to secure its future?
If any of these final company pension funds fail the default is the Pension Protection Fund. This security fund underpins the final salary schemes and takes on the liability and pays out a high percentage of peoples due pensions- some 90% I think.
Hope this helps
Why wouldn’t we? Oxford University already had the basis for that vaccine and naturally they pursued its development for this virus. As for the rollout, we were six weeks ahead of comparable countries in the EU and they had caught up before Delta hit in the summer so it made absolutely no difference. Whether we would have been ahead had there been a different PM is impossible to know but I suspect PPE, Care homes and test & trace would have been managed much better with far less waste and preventable deaths.
The evidence was clearly sufficient to demonstrate Starmer’s beer and curry were not illegal in spite of the ludicrous Daily Mail campaign.
Six weeks is a significant lead when dealing with a highly contagious disease, for which the population had no natural immunity.Why wouldn’t we? Oxford University already had the basis for that vaccine and naturally they pursued its development for this virus. As for the rollout, we were six weeks ahead of comparable countries in the EU and they had caught up before Delta hit in the summer so it made absolutely no difference. Whether we would have been ahead had there been a different PM is impossible to know but I suspect PPE, Care homes and test & trace would have been managed much better with far less waste and preventable deaths.
The evidence was clearly sufficient to demonstrate Starmer’s beer and curry were not illegal in spite of the ludicrous Daily Mail campaign.
Nothing to do with whataboutery, which I must say is a rather lazy thing to throw into a debate. Johnson was rightly fined, Cummings should have been fined and disciplined if not fired by Johnson, and the same standards should apply to others who had beer and curry evenings during a lockdown.
In particular I still wonder why it took the Labour Party, and indeed Rayner herself, so long to recollect that she was in fact also at the Durham booze-up if there was never a problem with what they did that night.
I recall Mick Lynch eating him alive on Newsnight…. Philp isn’t only a ****…. He’s thick one too….
Is she fucking kidding ?
Is she fucking kidding ?