The Conservative Party

No. Brexit means the state will have to be larger, ie more regulatory bodies, more custom staff, more of everything. The functions that we subcontracted out to the EU now have to be done in-house. Additionally, Brexit increased the red tape and admin for the State and industry to deal with. The sooner people engage with reality the better off we will be.

This living in la-la land, is why markets are increasingly skittish over the UK’s prospects and credit rating agencies keep lowering our rating.

In short, we have run out road and unicorns.

agreed - we have to do all that to enable us to trade with the rest of the world. A big fantasy contained in Brexit was the world would be grateful and honoured to do loads of dealing with an independent UK because we are the UK and do things our own way. None of the Brexit lot could consider the possibility that the rest of the world may say "no thanks - we do deals like this, with these requirements and you will need to comply to deal with us" - Some would be shocked to think that country A may say you need to provide this certificate to prove what you are trading whereas country B could say you need a copy of our certificate in triplicate to trade with us - we don't recognise A's certificate as valid.
We were told we were being negative and talking the country down - turns out some of us knew that this shit did not rely on belief and a handshake.
Why do right wing posters like to use sophistry to hide there callous views on human life as clever or insightful?

Because it works on gullible fools and they assume it works on everyone else.

Some of the leading right-wing intellectuals Scruton or Sowell have been shown to be zealous cranks with very little understanding of some of the topics they talk about.
I think I should make my position clear on capital punishment.

I’m in favour of bringing it back for the following:

1. Murder of anyone serving in the armed forces, police and other emergency services.
2. Anyone who kills a child.

That’s it

You value the life of an army engineer more than a woman who works for a charity or a racist met officer over a homeless man with mental health issues as examples.

You value the life of an army engineer more than a woman who works for a charity or a racist met officer over a homeless man with mental health issues as examples.

You’ll get a message suggesting your response is a strawman soon.

I think Jack might have been on the sauce tonight and engaged in some late night fishing.
I think I should make my position clear on capital punishment.

I’m in favour of bringing it back for the following:

1. Murder of anyone serving in the armed forces, police and other emergency services.
2. Anyone who kills a child.

That’s it
That’s insane. So if someone kills my mum or dad their lives are worth less than the above?


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