The Conservative Party

Part of the issue is that Government grants to Councils have been cut, cut and cut again. Putting up Council tax to offset this leads to disproportionately high increases. This is because of the gearing of the financial structure. The Government's motive is obvious - fob the blame off onto Councils, especially Labour ones. What it usually leads to is cuts and reduced services. Naturally, this is a recipe for public discontent. People have this funny objection to paying more for less.

A lot of Council spending is simply unappreciated by your average punter. One example is the cost of placing SEN pupils in specialist schools - which are mostly privately run. The fees for some of these kids are unbelievable, but their complex needs cannot be met in any other way. In some cases, Eton would literally be cheaper. I pass lightly over the administration of such placements which is also far more complicated than people realise and open to legal challenge if the parents are not satisfied, as often they aren't. Public sympathy is invariably with the child, which is understandable, but in these situations, the Council cannot win.

Legal fees are astonishingly high too, which is why Councils often give way to developers. It isn't necessarily that they are taking 'brown envelopes' as commonly supposed - it's very often that the cost of fighting a private sector person or company that has large resources (A certain local '**** Group' springs to mind) is too much of a risk.
If they can do that to the children, who do they really care about?
Not your rights...

Here is a sample text to use in writing to your MP to ask them not to put your rights at risk by voting for the EU Retained Law Bill. You can find out who your local MP is and how to contact them here.

I'm writing as one of your constituents ahead of Parliament debating the Retained EU Law Bill. This Bill will automatically repeal more than 2,400 pieces of legislation at the end of next year, potentially leading to rights I rely on and value being ripped up with little or no democratic scrutiny.

Under these plans, everything from the rules making sure that planes are safe to fly and protection for part-time workers to standards preventing cancer-causing materials being used in cosmetic products will be deleted from the statute book overnight. Even if the current Government says they will protect certain rules in future, there is no guarantee this will happen and no evidence of what may replace these laws either. The bill also gives Ministers the power to decide this, removing your power as my MP to represent my concerns in this process. So much for Parliamentary sovereignty.

With the country facing economic chaos and uncertainty, the last thing we need now is further destruction in this way and a race to the bottom on workers' rights, environmental standards and consumer protection. Rather than seeking to deregulate by default at breakneck pace, and relying on an overstretched civil service to identify which rules to keep, please ask the Minister to think again and instead bring forward proposals that don't cause more red tape and disorder as this bill will do.

Please don't add to the turmoil we face by ripping up my rights without replacing them - please don't risk and vote against the EU Retained Law Bill instead.

Many thanks,
Not your rights...

Here is a sample text to use in writing to your MP to ask them not to put your rights at risk by voting for the EU Retained Law Bill. You can find out who your local MP is and how to contact them here.

I'm writing as one of your constituents ahead of Parliament debating the Retained EU Law Bill. This Bill will automatically repeal more than 2,400 pieces of legislation at the end of next year, potentially leading to rights I rely on and value being ripped up with little or no democratic scrutiny.

Under these plans, everything from the rules making sure that planes are safe to fly and protection for part-time workers to standards preventing cancer-causing materials being used in cosmetic products will be deleted from the statute book overnight. Even if the current Government says they will protect certain rules in future, there is no guarantee this will happen and no evidence of what may replace these laws either. The bill also gives Ministers the power to decide this, removing your power as my MP to represent my concerns in this process. So much for Parliamentary sovereignty.

With the country facing economic chaos and uncertainty, the last thing we need now is further destruction in this way and a race to the bottom on workers' rights, environmental standards and consumer protection. Rather than seeking to deregulate by default at breakneck pace, and relying on an overstretched civil service to identify which rules to keep, please ask the Minister to think again and instead bring forward proposals that don't cause more red tape and disorder as this bill will do.

Please don't add to the turmoil we face by ripping up my rights without replacing them - please don't risk and vote against the EU Retained Law Bill instead.

Many thanks,
Who I will be voting for will need no leaning on my MPs, as long as they’re right, I will vote for them.

Watching SN, Harry Cole, the Tory shill, is now putting the boot in, knowing that those paying the deficit will be attacking him on his next story.
They’ll do the direct tax, which we will always accept because we are decent human beings.

Just wait for the stealth tax, which includes the (Poll) Council tax, while the treasury cuts money to you.
Can I just say the Douglas Ross is an utter c***. MP, MSP and a linesman. Incompetent as hell at all 3. A man who constantly changes his stance on political issues then is expected to make a split second decision as a linesman. Prick.

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