The Conservative Party

In 1979 Britain (that is, of course, us) owned our energy, water, transport, postal service, telecoms infrastructure, trains and railways, millions of social houses, sat on a huge North Sea Oil reserve and only had a National Debt of £80bn.
In 2022 Britain has no discernible assets and a National Debt of £2.5Tn.
The Tories have sold so much of Britain, there’s virtually nothing left.

A large chunk of the planet have sussed that the World Bank and IMF were talking bollocks when they touted the line that almost any public services could be privatised. Consequently in recent years there's been a trend in loads of countries to bring utilities back into public ownership in one form or another but just not here in Backwardsville. Get the impression that Labour think that renationalisation frightens the horses but I think polls show majority support for multiple sectors and after the current shitshow I suspect will be higher still. Starmer says he wants to be pragmatic rather than ideological, fair enough but he is off with the fairies if he thinks he can regulate his way to where we need to be anytime soon.
I wonder how long it will be until they start telling us a vote for labour or the SNP in the next GE will be what Putin wants? The contempt these cunts have for the general population knows no depths.
Aaah…but they have real insight into what Putin wants given that he has financed the tories and particularly brexit for years now and he has made it quite clear what he wants them to do.
The tories have broken Britain in every possible way. Their personal greed and self indulgence along with a complete lack of regard or understanding for the needs of the wider community has created a society where law and order has gone down the pan and everything in life is available to those who have the money to pay for it regardless of where that money has come from.
They are openly crooked and lying about things and covering up for each other has now become acceptable.
And people around the country seem to have adopted an if you can’t beat them join them way of life. A lot of peoples values have disappeared.
I don’t think the damage they’ve done can ever be fixed. I think its now deep rooted in our society.
SN talking about the Tory party blocking the government on building new housing, blocking growth and blaming it on the lack of greater infrastructure in their areas to cope with the increase on population.

The reality, we don’t want newcomers to our area and those who have a personal interest don‘t want to lose out to better housing and infrastructure, especially when they are in the midst of being able to pick up excess stock as the smaller renter sales and repossession opportunities grow.
SN talking about the Tory party blocking the government on building new housing, blocking growth and blaming it on the lack of greater infrastructure in their areas to cope with the increase on population.

The reality, we don’t want newcomers to our area and those who have a personal interest don‘t want to lose out to better housing and infrastructure, especially when they are in the midst of being able to pick up excess stock as the smaller renter sales and repossession opportunities grow.
Homeowners get value from preventing house building, as unsatisfied housing demand puts up the price of their house.
It is hard to imagine more damage being caused by a government in a twelve-year period. I hope that we have reached a point in our history where the cap-doffing and blind acceptance has reached an end.

Much longer than twelve years mate..... every problem that we face today can be traced back to a Tory policy.... energy, transport, NHS, Border Control , Prisons, Mortgage rates, etc etc
See that Baroness Bra is now taking a break from her position to deal with the " slur " against her reputation !

Failing down under the strain , or the elastic in an old bra perhaps ?

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