The Conservative Party

This current situation feels different to me and I'm old enough to remember the chaos of the 70s. Our political system has delivered one of the most unequal societies in the world (certainly in Europe). Most of the power and wealth is centralised in one small section of the country while the standard of living for the remaining population (about 50m people) is poor. Millions of young people are disenfranchised. The UK has failed to modernise and fallen behind most other Western countries and the emerging nations of Asia and elsewhere.
The politicians (of all parties) seem unwilling to change the system that has made them personally wealthy from the London property market, from their second jobs, and from very high salary, expenses, and pension packages. They have run out of ideas. It's not really about Left and Right any more. The future is about innovation, creativity, and modernisation. Our broken system can't deliver what is required. Something has got to give.
Horrible, and something we don’t want to advertise is where we are going to be.

However, looking at my kids, they have far more than I have.

The future will write itself, we have to them give them chance to get there.
Horrible, and something we don’t want to advertise is where we are going to be.

However, looking at my kids, they have far more than I have.

The future will write itself, we have to them give them chance to get there.

Big difference is that throughout the last say 120 years there have been ups and downs but by and large the political system worked to improve a citizens lot. So my Granddads probably had more than their parents - I know my Dad has had more than his Dad ever did and I have a position my Dad could only dream of. To me it now looks like my grown up kids are working under a Govt actively working to make their lot worse.........My generation are home owners - have pensions (if they have been sensible ) enjoyed travel and have experienced improved public transport and an NHS which up to 2010 was recording its highest satisfaction ratings from users ever.

My kids can't afford to buy a home - my son rents in York and is shitting bricks as he has a rent review in January - daughter can't afford anything so came back to live with us after Uni 3 years ago. They do have access to pensions but nothing like as good as the ones I enjoyed. Their FoM has been stolen from them - daughter was in the theatre so could have worked around Europe no bother. Have you seen the state of buses and train travel these days? And we all know what they are doing to the NHS and even the Post Office. Me and the Mrs have to hope for a swift death so we don't rob them of the chance they have with our house if we linger in a care home for years and the fuckers who are responsible for this decline just get themselves richer and richer and richer.

Oh - edit - we are also statistically likely not to live as long as our parents who are in their 80's and our kids statistically likely die at a younger age than we will. Rule Fucking Shittannia
Yes I am surprised at his performance. After the lunacy of Boris and Truss I thought at least Sunak would try to calm things down, if only to keep the economy on track. He has done the opposite. Every day that goes by with this crisis is damaging the country financially. The UK has become a chaotic laughing stock. It is not the way to attract inward investment which we need desperately.
It is obvious to everyone that the Goverment will have to do a deal (not at 20 per cent either). Sunak has shown the NHS workforce total disrespect by refusing to even engage with them on pay. The RCN is the least militant union in the world and they have been treated with contempt.
Not just Sunak. Barclay says the nurses say it's not just about pay so he'll talk to the unions about anything except pay - things like staffing.

"So, nurses, what are the staffing issues?"
"People quit because they're not paid enough."
"Thank you, goodbye."

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