The Conservative Party

This speech is long on aspirations, low on anything resembling detail and scattered with poorly defined promises (e.g. 20k more police by spring - is that 20k more from now? more from 2019? does it include the thousands reported as having left?).

The promise to halve inflation was clear though.
This speech is long on aspirations, low on anything resembling detail and scattered with poorly defined promises (e.g. 20k more police by spring - is that 20k more from now? more from 2019? does it include the thousands reported as having left?).

The promise to halve inflation was clear though.
It was but apparently inflation is forecast to be less than half anyway, without doing anything new.
"making numeracy a central pillar":
It doesn't address why numeracy is apparently poor.

"cut waiting times":
by how many? By shooting every 3rd person (pop them down to the soylent factory and reduce food prices at the same time!
That doesn't surprise me at all.
Here it is

The promise that “inflation will be halved” this year, reflects existing forecasts. The government’s independent official forecaster the Office for Budget Responsibility, and the Bank of England have both pencilled in an inflation rate below 4% by the end of this year.

This is partly the result of some of the high rises in energy, fuel, and food prices not being repeated again this year. The fall in wholesale energy prices due to warm weather in Europe and high gas storage levels, is also offering some reason for optimism here.
It’s the latest and hopefully the last, of the bright shiny baubles they’ve dangled before the bewitched and gullible eyes of the nation.
Ok, it’s not in the big league like ‘get brexit done’ or ‘levelling up’ or the seemingly forgotten ‘build back better’ (that’s one of my personal favourites) but it is still just another low rent fake aspiration, another attempt to look like more than a poor impression of a government and its banality just serves to illustrate the poverty of policies and ideals now present. They might as well promise us that they are going to give us world peace but can’t unfortunately, tell us how.
The upside being that those cleverer with maths than I am, could create an equation or a mathematical model of just how totally crap this government is.
Had to turn Sunak’s fake speech off but he got all of those in there and included a few more. I‘m just wondering if anybody actually believes what he says anymore, all rehashed shit that they’ve had years to implement but failed at every single hurdle. In fact, I don’t even think they tried to jump the hurdle, they just looked at it then passed their donors more money to look at it some more.
This latest initiative to extend compulsory math teaching to age 18 shows how worryingly dense they are. We definitely have a maths issue in this country but the die is cast for many kids before they exit KS2 - if you see the struggle many 16-18 years olds have trying to get their GCSE math in order to go onto / complete an L3 course it's a nightmare. The idea of focusing on an extra two years at 16 rather than addressing the problem much much earlier at root is farcical.

Its a dead cat ...... they're trying to blame the population for being thick ......theyve been in power nearly 13 years .. theres hardly anyone in school that hasn't been under a Tory Education policy.
"we will innovate in quantum"

Aargh, that makes no sense but it repeated over and over. It doesn't mean anything, although this is the first line from wikipedia:

"a quantum (plural quanta) is the minimum amount of any physical entity (physical property) involved in an interaction."

Oh, okay, yes, I can believe that they innovate in the tiniest amount.

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