The Conservative Party

Every conservative PM I’ve ever known arrives telling us they will find and cut waste, they never do. Is it possible that apart from on a small scale that colossal waste isn’t really there and privat companies wouldn’t find it either. Maybe public services and just very expensive to run.
I’m sure in the past I’ve read management of our NHS is far cheaper than any private schemes around the world.
They find the ’fat’ and pass it to their pals. That’s our ‘wasted‘ money.
Loads of the Tufton St R/w funded MP's and commentators pushing for tax cuts for the rich that today's economic figures show we cannot afford. They know that at best they lose the GE at worst they are wiped out so its now or never for a last minute chance to fill their boots.

On wider points we are supposedly the 6th largest economy ( though with ONS cock ups that remains to be seen ) yet we have to put off paying the lowest pension in Europe until the latest point in life. Our exports have tanked especially to the EU though its ok coz the EU has unfettered access at the moment to our markets. I read the pound is now 6% since Brexit against the Euro but also 30% against the dollar - given what is traded in the dollar we should not be surprised by the state we are in. I read that British immigrants to the EU are selling homes at cut prices due to the 180 day limit so its good our crippled NHS gets more of our elderly and infirm to treat and look after as they return and after nearly 13 years in charge the Tory Govt have debt and interest payments at 98.5% of GDP and are suddenly interested in trying to grow the economy by getting the elderly and inform back to work.

In reality I should be able to get 600 odd Bluemooners who have no political experience but have the deposit to stand in a GE send out flyers with all that on and we would piss the thing against the lot of them. I am also certain that 600 odd people who's only affiliation is the love of a football club could make a better less corrupt and fucked up effort at running a G7 country than this mob
I'm really fucked off and upset at this.
My Dad died at 66 when he should have been enjoying his last years.
Work till your 68 what a fucking joke.
They don’t even want you to retire pal, just work and die, the cunts making these decisions don’t do manual labour, imagine working on a building site or the roads in all weathers at that age, a nurse lifting a patient in and out of bed, yet an MP gets a fucking good pension after a few years they can all fuck off.
In reality I should be able to get 600 odd Bluemooners who have no political experience but have the deposit to stand in a GE send out flyers with all that on and we would piss the thing against the lot of them. I am also certain that 600 odd people who's only affiliation is the love of a football club could make a better less corrupt and fucked up effort at running a G7 country than this mob

That last paragraph should be dismissable as insane hyperbole. Except I've just had a think about the interactions I've had with my own MP over the last few years, I've thought about some of what's happened in parliament in the last few years and some of the select committees I've had the misfortune to watch. I've also thought about the inherent conflicts in the ruling party (and the opposition too) and how these are (mis)managed and I've thought about the lack of appetite in parliament for electoral reform and renewal. On this basis and accepting that a percentage won't work out (and that posters from the match day thread will of course be barred from standing), I think with the support of a hopefully still functioning civil service, your proposal is entirely plausible. Which is truly insane.
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Nadhim “He Pays What He Wants” Zahawi. Or rather, hubris has kicked in after a long career in business with Jeffrey Archer, not to mention claiming for the heating of his stables on parliamentary expenses – who hasn’t done that? And he now finds he has to pay what the HMRC wants.

Nadhim “He Pays What He Wants” Zahawi. Or rather, hubris has kicked in after a long career in business with Jeffrey Archer, not to mention claiming for the heating of his stables on parliamentary expenses – who hasn’t done that? And he now finds he has to pay what the HMRC wants.

What I find funny is those supporting him like to say he is a successful businessman. Well he makes enough mistakes doesn't he? From stable heating expense claims he had to amend to taxes - I mean he either fills the forms in himself but badly which does no reflect well on a successful businessman or more likely he gets someone else to do it for him - badly - but will sign it all off himself and will do so declaring he has read and understood what is written and declares its true. And that is a man signing off on Govt policy ??? FFS
They don’t even want you to retire pal, just work and die, the cunts making these decisions don’t do manual labour, imagine working on a building site or the roads in all weathers at that age, a nurse lifting a patient in and out of bed, yet an MP gets a fucking good pension after a few years they can all fuck off.
Yep the tragedy is a big percentage of people will never get much to enjoy the money they have earnt.
This country is finished

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