The Conservative Party

Every organisation, private or public has 'waste'. The thing is, it's not as easy to identify and cut away as people think.

The usual approach in public services is to say 'we're taking 2% off your budget' and leave it to managers to sort out. It's not a very scientific approach, is it? The manager may find that nearly all his/her expenditure is fixed costs. He/she may not have the power actually to make the necessary economy. For example, you can't say: 'This share of the town hall I pay for is too expensive. I want to move my team to a Nissan hut in Hartlepool.'

Then there is the attitude that some public expenditure is inherently wasteful. The thing is, we don't all agree on what it is. For example, I think having 18th-century uniforms and horses for the army is not a good use of part of the defence budget. Many, many people would disagree, In fact, they would disagree strongly. However, it's only an example. You could argue that the NHS wastes money keeping over-80s alive. It's a point of view. It depends on your humanity and whether you think expenditure should have some sort of return. You could debate this sort of shit for aeons. What actually happens is that people just bumble on with whatever money/resources there are.
You have to hand it to Gullis - he makes it easy for people to dislike him doesn't he

When you think they can’t get any worse, the bottom just never seems to be anywhere near, in terms of them sinking towards it….

Wasn’t he a teacher? I sincerely hope he’s not allowed anywhere near a school once his fleeting association with politics is over within the next 2 years.
When you think they can’t get any worse, the bottom just never seems to be anywhere near, in terms of them sinking towards it….

Wasn’t he a teacher? I sincerely hope he’s not allowed anywhere near a school once his fleeting association with politics is over within the next 2 years.

He was a teacher and a trades union rep - then again 30p Lee was a Labour activist and worked at Citizens advice. Odd how one of their "attack " lines on Starmer is he is a man who cannot stick to his principles.......
He was a teacher and a trades union rep - then again 30p Lee was a Labour activist and worked at Citizens advice. Odd how one of their "attack " lines on Starmer is he is a man who cannot stick to his principles.......
Labour Councillor until he got found out and sacked off I think. Not sure what he can do next given how awful he is. Back in the day he would of made a great UKIP MEP candidate.
You have to hand it to Gullis - he makes it easy for people to dislike him doesn't he

The sad thing is that there will be millions in this country that will agree with him.

Kids are being effectively kidnapped but no one in power is giving a shit.
It’s absolutely staggering how little coverage this is getting. Summed up well here.

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