The Conservative Party

Enlighten me as to what the naval vanity projects were and why we don't need a nuclear deterrent
Two aircraft carriers. Why? We have more Admirals than type 45 destroyers. What do we defend the Carriers with? Admirals in rowing boats?

Nuclear weapons, weapons we spend billions on and can never use. It is like City buying peak Messi and never playing him. Then why does the UK need them, the vast majority of countries do not have them, therefore rather than acting as a deterrent does it not make us a target for countries who do have them. After all why vapourize Portugal if you could beat them with a land army.
Then in a housing shortage move to a smaller property rather than under-occupying a large one.

Your opinion absolutely stinks.

Why should a bachelor/ widow move to a smaller property because their spouse has died? Especially in a property they've paid the mortgage off for and now may be retired.

Equally why should a single person who's saved up and bought property downsize to achieve a cheaper rate of council tax?

Use some other format to base council tax on, that would be fairer.
Your opinion absolutely stinks.

Why should a bachelor/ widow move to a smaller property because their spouse has died? Especially in a property they've paid the mortgage off for and now may be retired.

Equally why should a single person who's saved up and bought property downsize to achieve a cheaper rate of council tax?

Use some other format to base council tax on, that would be fairer.
The whole point is that CT is not fair and is there to take even more money out of your pocket while the government syphon off the centrally paid tax and give it to their wealthy backers.
Two aircraft carriers. Why? We have more Admirals than type 45 destroyers. What do we defend the Carriers with? Admirals in rowing boats?

Nuclear weapons, weapons we spend billions on and can never use. It is like City buying peak Messi and never playing him. Then why does the UK need them, the vast majority of countries do not have them, therefore rather than acting as a deterrent does it not make us a target for countries who do have them. After all why vapourize Portugal if you could beat them with a land army.
I respect your stance but I do disagree with it.

Our Navy today is not a standalone navy but forms part of a larger coalition, so carriers would be protected by several nations navies.

The carrier is seen as a flagship and why UK has invested heavily in having them .

As for nuc weapons. They are there as a deterrent, not as a first strike offensive weapon and, I would say we have been much safer for having them.

The US lease the weapon and its launching system to us as a trusted ally. Not every Country needs them, and it is unlikely, those within the NATO umbrella, would readily lease them to others within the pact.
Two aircraft carriers. Why? We have more Admirals than type 45 destroyers. What do we defend the Carriers with? Admirals in rowing boats?

Nuclear weapons, weapons we spend billions on and can never use. It is like City buying peak Messi and never playing him. Then why does the UK need them, the vast majority of countries do not have them, therefore rather than acting as a deterrent does it not make us a target for countries who do have them. After all why vapourize Portugal if you could beat them with a land army.
The point of carriers is they provide a mobile aircraft attack platform, it's the aircraft that are key and as already mentioned they usually move as part of a carrier group with ships of other NATO countries. The aircraft on our carriers cost not far off as much as the carrier itself.

The reason they cost so much is because they're stealth aircraft and cannot be seen which is completely game changing in carrier attack capability terms. Two carriers with this capability are infinitely more effective than 10 containing conventional aircraft.

I'd highly suggest watching the documentary Warship Tour of Duty on the BBC at the moment, it's really interesting and gives an idea of how they're being used.

I don't think it's really worth commenting on the nuclear weapons stuff, especially at the moment when we have someone literally threatening us with nuclear attack but who won't attack because we'll fire back. UK nuclear doctrine is defensively based with no first strike unless absolutely necessary. This all falls apart if you don't have nuclear weapons.

Russia are in range of nuclear attack from anywhere on the planet but that coverage only extends to whether you're in NATO and unfortunately Ukraine aren't. Putin has repeatedly said if Ukraine attempts to join NATO then they'll invade and they have invaded.

Had Ukraine been in NATO and been defacto protected by our nukes and obviously with the NATO rule to protect other NATO countries then would Putin have invaded? Of course he wouldn't have. Nukes are indeed pointless in the Ukraine conflict itself but with nukes on both sides it wouldn't of happened in the first place.
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My point obviously isn't hitting home with you so I shall put it in to context.

A single person (could be a retired widower/ divorcee / young lad or lass) lives in a property. The council tax for that band of property is £200 a month. Thanks to the single occupancy allowance they pay £150 for council tax.

In a similar property where 3 occupants live, assuming they split the bills 3 ways they're only paying £66.6 each.

Tell me, why should the single occupant have to pay over double what an individual is paying in a house share given we are all entitled to the same services?

Entitled. Yes, you certainly are.
Your opinion absolutely stinks.

Why should a bachelor/ widow move to a smaller property because their spouse has died? Especially in a property they've paid the mortgage off for and now may be retired.

Equally why should a single person who's saved up and bought property downsize to achieve a cheaper rate of council tax?

Use some other format to base council tax on, that would be fairer.

Get a lodger?
Entitled. Yes, you certainly are.
If somebody has saved up and bought their own place, they shouldn't be punished and charged more for Council Tax given they receive the same value as anybody else.

Equally if somebody has lost their spouse, they shouldn't be expected to pay more either just because they live alone.

Just charge single occupants 50% and you have a fair system.

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