The Conservative Party

I get your summary, but I don't think it's very fair that I have to pay this amount, its a fucking joke to be honest
The system should be structured on affordability, my own opinion is the singles reduction should be 50% but it won't happen as single people get fucked every which way with everything

I think you are looking at this wrongly
the whole council tax system is inherently unfair on everyone except the top 20% richest people
It cannot be reformed to be fair
it needs to be replaced by either a property value tax or a local income tax
personally i would go for the local income tax
So you you dont think paying for education has any benefit to society in general that single men benefit from?
I think you are wrong, but obviously you do not.
i think the 25% discount is a bargain compared to the benefits of social cohesion, you do not.
I think we will have to agree to disagree on that point

as for the issue of number of people in a household and the effects on amount of council tax paid, just highlights that the whole concept of council tax is flawed. Either a property value tax or a local income tax would be better systems. Personally I would go for a local income tax.
Where did I say education isn't important exactly or are you putting words in to my mouth? You suggested Cricket Blue is paying for his own education which is false as his parents and other tax payers paid for it at the time which is decade's a go. I have no issue in my tax covering the education for others despite being childless because it ensures we have future talent to cover all forms of professions.

I agree on your last point, council tax should be implemented in a different way. 75% isn't a bargain though lol, it is quite crippling for single folk.
It really is fucking criminal that austerity was used as a cover for cutting so many of what should be essential state services. Th first duty of any Government is to keep it's citizens safe and this Government has failed every one of us. We have an army that is small and ill equipped, an Air Force that scrapped decent aeroplanes without replacements and a Navy that in my opinion relies on vanity projects rather than practicality. We do not need nuclear armed subs, we have two aircraft carriers without aeroplanes. As a side not before coronations their is usually a muster of the fleet, for King Charles its been cancelled as their are more boats on Platt Field boating Lake.
As many have asked, where has all our money gone?
Where did I say education isn't important exactly or are you putting words in to my mouth? You suggested Cricket Blue is paying for his own education which is false as his parents and other tax payers paid for it at the time which is decade's a go. I have no issue in my tax covering the education for others despite being childless because it ensures we have future talent to cover all forms of professions.

I agree on your last point, council tax should be implemented in a different way. 75% isn't a bargain though lol, it is quite crippling for single folk.

I wasnt saying he was paying for his own education, I was pointing out he used the services when he was younger, part of which was paid for by single people in his position.

75% is a bargain (as long as you look past that council tax is an inherently flawed system unless you are part of the top 20% of richest people)
if you keep in mind that 50% of the council budget goes on education and the rest of the services are available to a single man.
you agree that we as a society should pay for education, that includes single people

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