Well first they will want the Fire service to respond to cardiac arrests, then it will be responding to slip trips and falls, concerns for welfare etc, they’d slowly tried bringing this in by the backdoor before I left, now I had no problem with it, IF paid for it and given proper traning and equipment.
I’ll give you an example, we got called to a woman trapped up a tree, she had tried this numerous times, it was a try at attempted suicide but also a cry for help, we attended and could not get an ambulance to come and pick her up, in the back of the pump she attempted to slash her wrists with a key, again I called for an ambulance, still nothing, I argued with a high up officer that we could drive her 5 mins up the road to Oldham Hospital so we could be released (remember for 2 hours fire cover is now down in Oldham due to us been tied up with this), me and the officer got very heated over the phone and I was told in no uncertain times what would happen to me if I did what I wanted to do. This woman was known to police and ambulance as she had numerous times attempted suicide, even her own husband wouldn’t come and get her! Eventually we handed her over to the police after 3 hours.
Now imagine this sort of thing comes in across Manchester you will have fire engines tied up on mental health jobs, cardiac arrrests (no way of transporting to hospital) and you can see fire cover becomes diluted and all to cover up failings of other serivices, oh and they want this for no extra pay, if I was still in I’d tell them to go fuck themselves. They do it in USA but are on a minimum £70-80k, us £36k!