The Conservative Party

Dowden is such an odious and dangerous **** - he would not care if people burned to death. This barge will NOT take anyone out of hotels this is for new entrants AND he says they "are building vessels like this" - they built nothing they just wasted billions of our cash on it

If his house goes on fire, guess who the lying odious little shit would phone.
Of course, he’d have to check their political leanings in case they sprayed the inferno with ‘lefty’ water.
Dowden is such an odious and dangerous **** - he would not care if people burned to death. This barge will NOT take anyone out of hotels this is for new entrants AND he says they "are building vessels like this" - they built nothing they just wasted billions of our cash on it

They are just monkey’s, dancing to the devils tune. The likes of Dowden and Schapp’s are kept around because they will do and say anything that their owners tell them, rolled out to look a twat in the media whenever needed.

What they say and whatever they do is now just distraction to keep us away from the truth of them further ripping this country apart and walking off with the spoils of our labour.
They are just monkey’s, dancing to the devils tune. The likes of Dowden and Schapp’s are kept around because they will do and say anything that their owners tell them, rolled out to look a twat in the media whenever needed.

What they say and whatever they do is now just distraction to keep us away from the truth of them further ripping this country apart and walking off with the spoils of our labour.

does make me wonder where they think their future lies
If his house goes on fire, guess who the lying odious little shit would phone.
Of course, he’d have to check their political leanings in case they sprayed the inferno with ‘lefty’ water.

I'd like to think the operator taking the call would be "...who?...where?...sorry sir can you speak up....Fire and Rescue? Ok - just before we go any further I need to complete a new Govt feedback form

Do you object to assistance from organised labour be it in the form of transport - medical aid or rescue? ..... sorry sir give me a moment is your answer
a/ YES
b/ NO?
Sorry sir but the sooner we get through this the sooner I can route your emergency to the correct responder.

Sorry - its a yes? Ok can I have your e-mail address so I can e-mail your response e-mail which MUST be completed on-line to trigger a response.

Burned out of house and home? No sorry sir we have no availability of emergency hotel accommodation in your area as its all been commandeered by the Home Office. There is a barge available within 200 miles of your home - we are just awaiting confirmation that is fit for habitation........ Mr Dowden? Mr Doden or was it Downton? Hello are you still there? "
Inspired by a DWP fit to work assessment
They've gone full on racist this morning by evicting the Afghans (that assisted us in the war and were granted asylum for their safety ) from the hotels they were staying in whilst their applications were being processed.
They are doing all this because it knows it presses buttons for the odious UKIP/BNP/outright fascist types whose votes they need. It's the equivalent of 'Jew-baiting' in 1930s Germany. Well, not quite the equivalent, but in the same ballpark and done for the same political reasons.

Plus it's a wonderful distraction from the things that matter. By the way, has anyone mentioned that we a hiring a barge for £400 million a year that is only worth £50 million? Some **** is making a killing out of this, and I doubt he's a public sector worker. Some fucking spiv, or as they are now called 'an entrepreneur'.
They are doing all this because it knows it presses buttons for the odious UKIP/BNP/outright fascist types whose votes they need. It's the equivalent of 'Jew-baiting' in 1930s Germany. Well, not quite the equivalent, but in the same ballpark and done for the same political reasons.

Plus it's a wonderful distraction from the things that matter. By the way, has anyone mentioned that we a hiring a barge for £400 million a year that is only worth £50 million? Some **** is making a killing out of this, and I doubt he's a public sector worker. Some fucking spiv, or as they are now called 'an entrepreneur'.
Not that bad, the contract to run it comes out at £1.2 Bn, doesn’t it, without tender.

Watched a couple of interviews this morning and note that whatever is said is followed by an attack on Labour, even if it isn’t Labours take on things. In fact, they’re stealing Labours plans, stating them as their own, and then re-engineering the messaging to make Labour look the bad people.

Politicising at its very best, or worse dependent on how you look at it.

Happy for them to steal Labours ideas but once again the lies they spout mean, in both circumstances, that they are spent and have nothing left.
They are doing all this because it knows it presses buttons for the odious UKIP/BNP/outright fascist types whose votes they need. It's the equivalent of 'Jew-baiting' in 1930s Germany. Well, not quite the equivalent, but in the same ballpark and done for the same political reasons.

Plus it's a wonderful distraction from the things that matter. By the way, has anyone mentioned that we a hiring a barge for £400 million a year that is only worth £50 million? Some **** is making a killing out of this, and I doubt he's a public sector worker. Some fucking spiv, or as they are now called 'an entrepreneur'.
CTM. Australian Co. with previous connections to this govt.
Goodlawproject amongst others has published some facts.

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