The Conservative Party

Something Labour have already said they will keep.

Where do we put asylum applicants whilst they are going through the process?

Genuine question btw if you have better alternatives?
Well instead of spending £6,000,000 a day housing them I’d spend a weeks worth of that money employing staff to proccess them immediately and then either ship them back or better still get them in the U.K. working, contributing and making society better for all.

Radical idea I know but wasting money just doesn’t wash with me I’m afraid. Find a better way of using it.
I was replying to a poster who is obviously not happy with the barge being used.

I absolutely agree the process needs to be much quicker and the government needs to pull their fingers out.
I suppose the barge can’t be classed as in the category of ‘small boats’ so it’s ok to put them on one…..
Well instead of spending £6,000,000 a day housing them I’d spend a weeks worth of that money employing staff to proccess them immediately and then either ship them back or better still get them in the U.K. working, contributing and making society better for all.

Radical idea I know but wasting money just doesn’t wash with me I’m afraid. Find a better way of using it.

I am afraid their own hate speech and rhetoric has backed themselves so securely into a corner they have no way of escaping it now. That mere 90 seat retention in the C4 is a reflection of the racists and xenophobes who they can still count on. They back down now and they could be in Lib Dem's in numbers.
Oh do give over. No-one should want to spend money housing asylum seekers in hotels. But the Tories have engineered a crisis and the difference is how to stop having the need.
Course not. There was a time when asylum seekers were free to work while awaiting their claims. Who ended that? Then again it was in 2002 maybe they knew what the fallout would be from the 'liberal interventionist' wars would be?
After all aside from the outlier of Albania the majority of claims are from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The roots of this crisis go deeper than this government.

Not saying the Tories don't deserve a hammering both for their record and the way they exploit the issue for political gain. I'm just pushing back against the absurd pretence that Labour are above this kind of shit. Have you forgotten about Blunkett? How about Cooper and her 2015 immigration mugs? Do you have no issue with Labour accepting Tory framing on everything?
Not sure if that’s a bot account or just another nut job who will take anything out of context to have a dig at anything that has upset them.
Unlike you this 'bot' has never contemplated voting Tory never mind doing it. Is all the performative outrage you display on here a way of easing your conscience? If so there really is no need.

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