The Conservative Party

Haha! Still waiting on you taking up that bet you spineless ****! :-)
Joking aside, I still think they have more than a fighting chance to win.

I remember ‘97 and the sense that Labour were going to win the election rather than the Tories lose it. This feels much more like the Tories need to lose it - I don’t get the sense the country / electorate has bought into Starmer.

I’ve a terrible, nagging feeling that it somehow won’t go the way lots are currently predicting. And we’ll have at least 5 more years of this shit.
Joking aside, I still think they have more than a fighting chance to win.

I remember ‘97 and the sense that Labour were going to win the election rather than the Tories lose it. This feels much more like the Tories need to lose it - I don’t get the sense the country / electorate has bought into Starmer.

I’ve a terrible, nagging feeling that it somehow won’t go the way lots are currently predicting. And we’ll have at least 5 more years of this shit.
I think the cunts are fucked mate and that you need to go and give your fanny a wipe :-)
Cobblers. Other countries were selling gold too.

And, as pointed put previously, "Between 1970-71 the Bank of England sold nearly half of our gold reserves. Just like the Brown sell-off, it was sold at a historic low of about $42.5/oz in October 1971. Only a year later it was worth $65/oz. This was done under the Tories and Edward Heath and had to be a much larger sale and loss as by the time Brown got to it half had already been sold so in effect Brown only sold a quarter of what was originally held in reserve with the Conservative Heath government selling off half."
It wasnt a dig politically, i dont care. Just that brown shouldnt have sold at that time. Thats it really .
Did you have a house and you sold it? is that house now years later worth a shit load more? You shouldn't have sold it....
Funny you say that. I bought a house once at the very top of the market, it didnt concern me as i thought id be in it forever so over the years it wouldnt matter, it would still rise in value. I had £125k equity in it.

Fast forward 2 years, the market had crashed and i got divorced and i had to sell the house, came out with £2k.

So unless i had to i wouldnt have sold that house at the bottom of the market.true story
Hilts, can I just confirm that you have always been a Green voter or has this been a change since the fall of the other parties?

I like some of the Green policies but there is no way that they will be able to enact them so see them as a small influencer, nothing more.

The environment for me is the issue of our times, there is only one party taking it seriously enough. I also think we need political change and the 2 main parties are far too cuntish to do the right thing. Not sure how anyhow votes for them tbh.
Are you not somewhat pleased that the tories are being humbled?

As always with politics you won't ever get exactly what you want but you must recognise a step in the right direction.

I'm not pleased because it's been plainly obvious they're on the way out for some time. It's just a shame the new lot are so underwhelming.
The environment for me is the issue of our times, there is only one party taking it seriously enough. I also think we need political change and the 2 main parties are far too cuntish to do the right thing. Not sure how anyhow votes for them tbh.
I always used to vote Green in Euro elections, they usually did well.

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