The Conservative Party

When will the lefties get the message... there's no such thing as white collar crime...(unless you are a sub-postmaster that is, being innocent is no excuse, obvs.) . One of thatchers first misdeeds was sacking the tax-inspectors, leaving it to the money-men to "self-regulate" FFS. Forcing councils to virtually give away social housing and preventing them building more with the proceeds. Or institute a sell-on clause. Not a surprise considering most tory MP's are landlords directly or behind a smoke-screen of "holding compnies". Mortgages linked to income??? Outrageous!! An attack on "entrepreneurs that is holding Britain back" , well, the banks anyway.
The graph title is incorrect and misleading. They’ve lumped together evaded taxes and avoided taxes. One is perfectly legal, the other not.

You are correct but just because something is legal doesn’t make it right.

If the government wanted to raise the tax take closing the legal loopholes would be far more effective than targeting benefits claimants.

But this isn’t about raising the tax take it’s about getting votes from the stupid by targeting the weakest.
You are correct but just because something is legal doesn’t make it right.

If the government wanted to raise the tax take closing the legal loopholes would be far more effective than targeting benefits claimants.

But this isn’t about raising the tax take it’s about getting votes from the stupid by targeting the weakest.
100% agree with all that but the graph is disingenuous at best.

Whenever I hear anyone talk of benefit claimants “fiddling” the system, I ask them to tell me who, exactly, they know and can name and how much are these people incorrectly claiming.

Response comes there none.

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