The Conservative Party

100% agree with all that but the graph is disingenuous at best.

Whenever I hear anyone talk of benefit claimants “fiddling” the system, I ask them to tell me who, exactly, they know and can name and how much are these people incorrectly claiming.

Response comes there none.

But they've seen them in the pages of the Mail or on a Channel 5 documentary so there must be millions of them out there.
Is there a thread on housing? Had my rent renewal quote, slowly but surely, being priced out of existence. Jeez
Bastards are allowing my council tax to go upto between 10-15% to pay for towards the councils debts.

I'm going to have to consider moving as I won't have any money for food at this rate.

Tory cunts
When was the last time they actually did that?

If you're looking for a technically correct answer, it was 5 parliamentary days before recess when they opposed the draft electoral commission strategy and policy statement on 31st January (which is an absolute abomination and should rightly be opposed at every stage).

By my count they have taken the opposing position to the government in 24 separate votes since the start of the year. A big chunk of these comprised various amendments and debates relating to the Rwanda bill.

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