The Conservative Party

That's not going to be popular on here since it's 90% lefties and the rest centrists (yourself included).

As an actual dyed-in-the-wool professional fence-sitting centrist, I'm often reminded by sentiments like this how fucked our Overton window is.

Or is centrist now code for "doesn't think the Tory's are a total shower of cunts". Because in that case there's maybe about 10 centrists in the whole country.

Compassion is not a leftie policy. That's just called basic decency.
People who have not been mentally ill have no idea at all what it is like. Trust me on this. I had no idea myself until it hit me. There are, of course, degrees of mental illness. My wife has a cousin who is just totally incapacitated and every so often has about six coppers out to overpower him and drag him to the hospital. You see, when he feels better, he stops taking his pills and goes back to square fucking one.

This lad used to be hard-working. Very much so. He was not one for fancies either. But one day, as he tells it, as he was driving his firm's van, cars started talking to him. He went missing for about three days, during which time he drove the van to all manner of infeasible places. He will never, ever be fit for work, never. His pills keep him calm, but take them away and he becomes an incredibly strong, violent, aggressive danger to the public.

The idea that he 'chose' to be like that is laughable. I'm certain he'd be delighted to be what he used to be, buying and selling his portfolio of shares and riding his motorbike at weekends. But he won't be. Chances are he'll die alone in a secure hospital.

If society put more resources into NHS mental health (especially psychiatrists) and if the country was more civilised, with less obsessive pressure at work, maybe, just maybe, this issue would resolve itself. But as usual, people will the end but not the means.
Most people who have never suffered mental illness including anxiety and depression thinks it's just a normal feeling everyone gets now and then.

Totally clueless way of thinking.

Other than friends I know that have seen themselves off there are actual bluemoon members that have done the same.

And as @Indaparkside just commented many family members.

Mental illness should not be a game politicians can play with to gain votes off loons.
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As an actual dyed-in-the-wool professional fence-sitting centrist, I'm often reminded by sentiments like this how fucked our Overton window is.

Or is centrist now code for "doesn't think the Tory's are a total shower of cunts". Because in that case there's maybe about 10 centrists in the whole country.

Compassion is not a leftie policy. That's just called basic decency.
Just so we're clear, those weren't my words they were from Brewster himself.
how about some help rather than forced work?

sounds a bit like that may make people with depression a lot worse if there is no help available, which there isn't.
I don’t doubt that many more reforms will be required before the situation meaningfully improves.

I’m simply making the point that any government, Labour or Conservative, will want to reverse the recent trend of labour market inactivity, and Labour will also make decisions that people on here will object too.

And I strongly believe that encouraging work where possible will have a positive impact for many given the wider benefits from a health perspective. Simply signing people off for an extended period isn’t going to solve anything.
I don’t doubt that many more reforms will be required before the situation meaningfully improves.

I’m simply making the point that any government, Labour or Conservative, will want to reverse the recent trend of labour market inactivity, and Labour will also make decisions that people on here will object too.

And I strongly believe that encouraging work where possible will have a positive impact for many given the wider benefits from a health perspective. Simply signing people off for an extended period isn’t going to solve anything.
Yes but where is the help to get people back into work if they feel up to it?

You can't just say right off to work you go lad/lass after years of inactivity?

In the 80's there was a great scheme where people were trained for real jobs like brickies , carpenters, hairdressers etc or remploy schemes for disabled. Real funded training opportunities and ways for some sick, ex prisoners and squaddies etc to get back to work

All these have been abolished.

That is a sign that all Govts (labour or conservative) involved don't really care.

I'm only focused here on people with anxiety and depression not kids sat at home with fuck all wrong with them.

Mental health services do not exist and waiting lists are years.
I think in part they hope these moves go some way to fixing the hole that sees so many jobs not being filled. The thing with it is it just shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the situation. Who is going to employ someone who is depressed of mentally ill? Who is going to employ someone with a long term debilitating illness or injury. Firstly the employer has a duty of care to them plus their existing employees and the public. Second they are likely to want time off as they are likely still be in receipt of ongoing treatment. Then there is the issue of productivity. This will be negatively impacted too. If you are depressed or suffering a physical issue and you don't feel up to it you can sign yourself off sick for 7 days under the self certification rules. Are they really saying they can sort out what will be needed in 7 days? Say you are already on meds you sign off will the Job Centre Plus "medical expert" be able to see you in 7 days? What if you need to see your GP to discuss meds and a possible change to something else? Christ there are places in the UK where people can't get to see their GP inside ONE MONTH !!!

I am certain they are so out of touch its just a simple thought of - hey we have 1m vacancies which may a reason for the flat lining economy. I know what there are 2m folk over there not working and costing us money. Lets move them from that place into the jobs place.
I think in part they hope these moves go some way to fixing the hole that sees so many jobs not being filled. The thing with it is it just shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the situation. Who is going to employ someone who is depressed of mentally ill? Who is going to employ someone with a long term debilitating illness or injury. Firstly the employer has a duty of care to them plus their existing employees and the public. Second they are likely to want time off as they are likely still be in receipt of ongoing treatment. Then there is the issue of productivity. This will be negatively impacted too. If you are depressed or suffering a physical issue and you don't feel up to it you can sign yourself off sick for 7 days under the self certification rules. Are they really saying they can sort out what will be needed in 7 days? Say you are already on meds you sign off will the Job Centre Plus "medical expert" be able to see you in 7 days? What if you need to see your GP to discuss meds and a possible change to something else? Christ there are places in the UK where people can't get to see their GP inside ONE MONTH !!!

I am certain they are so out of touch its just a simple thought of - hey we have 1m vacancies which may a reason for the flat lining economy. I know what there are 2m folk over there not working and costing us money. Lets move them from that place into the jobs place.
or will employers have insurance in place for people on valium etc half asleep?

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