The Conservative Party

Re the sick note stuff. This is like playing a cup final with the opposition teams manager as the refferee and everyone on VAR employed by the club chairman with additional cash bonuses for red cards.
Not necessarily...

The voter supression laws he's enacted means many of the people he's attacking won't be able to vote because they won't have official ID.

At least 5 million people need to be educated in getting official id to vote or use postal voting.

With regards to posting I can see a summer GE as some Tory seats will be less threatened as all the students will be at home.

The transparent act of voter suppression has had zero impact so far really, and my personal view is that it’ll have the opposite effect as FOCs in rural areas are exactly the sorts of people who probably don’t have passports.
It’s not a popular thing to say - especially on here - but the problem is now so bad that it can’t be ignored.

There won’t be any votes in it for Sunak but when you look at the numbers of people any government would need to tackle it, and that includes the next one as well.

The system has to be fair and that includes being fair to the people who do go out to work to pay for it all.

You have no interest in the system being fair and neither do the Tories. This is about using vulnerable people as cannon fodder in the never ending cultural wars the Tories are programmed to fight. They have no achievements, no vision, no moral compass. They are a sucking black hole of dense stupidity.

My contempt for them and the damage they have wrought is off the scale. Anyone supporting them is clearly in need of a mental health check. Unfortunately, these checks are no longer available meaning their supporters are allowed to roam freely speaking in tongues. It’s like an episode of the Walking Dead.

Worrying times for the rest of us.
You have no interest in the system being fair and neither do the Tories. This is about using vulnerable people as cannon fodder in the never ending cultural wars the Tories are programmed to fight. They have no achievements, no vision, no moral compass. They are a sucking black hole of dense stupidity.

My contempt for them and the damage they have wrought is off the scale. Anyone supporting them is clearly in need of a mental health check. Unfortunately, these checks are no longer available meaning their supporters are allowed to roam freely speaking in tongues. It’s like an episode of the Walking Dead.

Worrying times for the rest of us.
Simply signing off everyone isn’t an option though is it? You can make it into a Tory issue if that makes you feel better - it clearly does, although I’m surprised you’re not blaming Israel as well - but it will be just as big a problem for the next Labour government and there’ll be making decisions which people won’t like as well.

And for many people doing some form of work would actually be beneficial, as opposed to them sitting at home on their own with little to no social interaction.
It’s not a popular thing to say - especially on here - but the problem is now so bad that it can’t be ignored.

There won’t be any votes in it for Sunak but when you look at the numbers of people any government would need to tackle it, and that includes the next one as well.

The system has to be fair and that includes being fair to the people who do go out to work to pay for it all.
That's not going to be popular on here since it's 90% lefties and the rest centrists (yourself included).
Simply signing off everyone isn’t an option though is it? You can make it into a Tory issue if that makes you feel better - it clearly does, although I’m surprised you’re not blaming Israel as well - but it will be just as big a problem for the next Labour government and there’ll be making decisions which people won’t like as well.

And for many people doing some form of work would actually be beneficial, as opposed to them sitting at home on their own with little to no social interaction.
how about some help rather than forced work?

sounds a bit like that may make people with depression a lot worse if there is no help available, which there isn't.
People who have not been mentally ill have no idea at all what it is like. Trust me on this. I had no idea myself until it hit me. There are, of course, degrees of mental illness. My wife has a cousin who is just totally incapacitated and every so often has about six coppers out to overpower him and drag him to the hospital. You see, when he feels better, he stops taking his pills and goes back to square fucking one.

This lad used to be hard-working. Very much so. He was not one for fancies either. But one day, as he tells it, as he was driving his firm's van, cars started talking to him. He went missing for about three days, during which time he drove the van to all manner of infeasible places. He will never, ever be fit for work, never. His pills keep him calm, but take them away and he becomes an incredibly strong, violent, aggressive danger to the public.

The idea that he 'chose' to be like that is laughable. I'm certain he'd be delighted to be what he used to be, buying and selling his portfolio of shares and riding his motorbike at weekends. But he won't be. Chances are he'll die alone in a secure hospital.

If society put more resources into NHS mental health (especially psychiatrists) and if the country was more civilised, with less obsessive pressure at work, maybe, just maybe, this issue would resolve itself. But as usual, people will the end but not the means.

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