The Conservative Party

Thatcher was nearly half a century ago. Times, circumstances, values and morals were completely different. Just like present day values will be in 50 years time. Get over it.

My comment was in response to the suggestion that the current Tories were much more right wing than the 80s Tories.

I was just pointing out this wasn't the case. Of course it was a different time - although I'd suggest that, while this was 40 years ago, some of the attitudes were outdated even then.
My comment was in response to the suggestion that the current Tories were much more right wing than the 80s Tories.

I was just pointing out this wasn't the case. Of course it was a different time - although I'd suggest that, while this was 40 years ago, some of the attitudes were outdated even then.
Enjoy your evening.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - soooooo funny - die cunts die

I'm quite into the demise of the tories but there is a point where you start to think we need a right wing party that isn't a Farage low calories nazi.
I'm quite into the demise of the tories but there is a point where you start to think we need a right wing party that isn't a Farage low calories nazi.

The current incarnation of Tories is infested with Faragist types who would merge with Reform Ltd in a heartbeat. They need to go bump and then any moderates left could start a grass roots centre tight movement to reinstate them into the main stream. They had them but Johnson and his ilk booted them out for personal enrichment, gain and Brexit - it really is that simple - unless they face up to the fact that they live in an integrated world they will be nothing.

You can pass laws to say someone enters illegally but that law only applies here. They can pass a law which decrees some foodstuff from somewhere else is legal doesn't make it legal in other countries.

Until they grasp that their much vaunted sovereignty applies in each individual country and each one makes their own sovereign laws then they are fucked. The last 7- 8 years of Tory rule has been just entitlement on steroids and nobody else is buying it
Nothing is ever right-wing enough for the True Believers.

A perfect reflection of the far left, for whom nothing is ever left enough.

The snag for the Tories is you can't out-Farage Farage. He will always be that little bit more populist and extreme than you are. Step that way and he'll show his colours. It'll be camps for gipsies in no time. You can't merge with him either unless you are willing to accept King Nigel. He would be a sort of super 'Boris' saying all sorts of stuff to please the fossils while accomplishing nothing. He does not brook competition and has no idea of teamwork. He would destroy the Tories more surely than all the left-wingers in the country put together and united.

The great bulk of the UK population is 'moderate' although exactly what that means is hard to define and it does vary a bit over time. This would be even more evident if we had PR voting instead of an FPTP system that distorts the process by giving huge power to the largest minority. It's best expressed as the fact that most of us reject extreme offerings. The reality is that parties need to play to that 'moderation'. Starmer has just proved that. People went out of their way to maximise damage to the Tories. Does anyone seriously believe that it was because voters thought the Tories were not right-wing enough?

The other factor is competence. Talking shit is easy, we can all do that. Putting policies into practice is another ballgame. The Tories have not looked capable since Johnson sacked anyone who had half a brain. They have a lot of work to do to convince people they have changed on that front. Being the country we are, the USA-style spouting a load of religious bollocks won't cut it. We are 'warriors for the working day' as Shakespeare put it. You need to give us substance as well as talk.
Nothing is ever right-wing enough for the True Believers.

A perfect reflection of the far left, for whom nothing is ever left enough.

The snag for the Tories is you can't out-Farage Farage. He will always be that little bit more populist and extreme than you are. Step that way and he'll show his colours. It'll be camps for gipsies in no time. You can't merge with him either unless you are willing to accept King Nigel. He would be a sort of super 'Boris' saying all sorts of stuff to please the fossils while accomplishing nothing. He does not brook competition and has no idea of teamwork. He would destroy the Tories more surely than all the left-wingers in the country put together and united.

The great bulk of the UK population is 'moderate' although exactly what that means is hard to define and it does vary a bit over time. This would be even more evident if we had PR voting instead of an FPTP system that distorts the process by giving huge power to the largest minority. It's best expressed as the fact that most of us reject extreme offerings. The reality is that parties need to play to that 'moderation'. Starmer has just proved that. People went out of their way to maximise damage to the Tories. Does anyone seriously believe that it was because voters thought the Tories were not right-wing enough?

The other factor is competence. Talking shit is easy, we can all do that. Putting policies into practice is another ballgame. The Tories have not looked capable since Johnson sacked anyone who had half a brain. They have a lot of work to do to convince people they have changed on that front. Being the country we are, the USA-style spouting a load of religious bollocks won't cut it. We are 'warriors for the working day' as Shakespeare put it. You need to give us substance as well as talk.
Good post. A quick look at the Reform manifesto will tell you they are not serious politicians. And Farage walked back some of it pre election which means he obviously didn't read it properly before they published it.

His specialism is being an arsehole and sniping from the sidelines. His Ukip party descended into chaos, an absolute nest of racist idiots and that goes to show the kind of calibre of people who are drawn to him and who he spends his time with.

He would destroy the tories. I think they know that. But the base doesn't.

Rocky times ahead.

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