The Conservative Party

I don't believe that the Tories did much to bring inflation down but the first part is probably correct.

You only have to do a google search to see that inflation was high everywhere in 2022. This wasn't because of any government, it was driven by the war in Ukraine.
Sort of. The bigger issue was that basically every country handed out money like confetti during covid, which basically devalued the money that everyone already had.
With only 121 MPs it's striking to me that there are 6 candidates, with the backing of 10 MPs each, for the tory leadership. It shows how fragmented they are and it's highly probable that each of the candidates individually would have the support of less than 50% of the MPs atm.

It says to me that the entire future of the party is at stake as whoever wins is unlikely to lead them back into power and a best case scenario would seem to be a Kinnock type leadership that increases the number of seats over a couple of elections to put them back in the frame.
With only 121 MPs it's striking to me that there are 6 candidates, with the backing of 10 MPs each, for the tory leadership. It shows how fragmented they are and it's highly probable that each of the candidates individually would have the support of less than 50% of the MPs atm.

It says to me that the entire future of the party is at stake as whoever wins is unlikely to lead them back into power and a best case scenario would seem to be a Kinnock type leadership that increases the number of seats over a couple of elections to put them back in the frame.

And 26 of those 121 are newly elected.

I saw a suggestion a week or two ago that the candidates are 1 to the left of the party/One Nation Tory, 2 centralish, and 3 to the right. With four going through to the conference, presumably one of Badenoch/Patel/Jenrick will drop out, together with Mel Stride.

The horsetrading could be fun though as the angling for top shadow jobs starts.
I wonder who wants to be shadow chancellor!
And 26 of those 121 are newly elected.

I saw a suggestion a week or two ago that the candidates are 1 to the left of the party/One Nation Tory, 2 centralish, and 3 to the right. With four going through to the conference, presumably one of Badenoch/Patel/Jenrick will drop out, together with Mel Stride.

The horsetrading could be fun though as the angling for top shadow jobs starts.
I wonder who wants to be shadow chancellor!
There is a large part of me that thinks they will lurch even further to the right and into oblivion where they belong, the downside to that is it allows Starmer to take Labour even further from its origins.
I haven done the number crunching, but are there enough One Nation Tories that could defect to the Lib-dems and Ed Davey becomes leader of the opposition?
some of them retained their seats but remain distanced from reality - why does Malthouse think 121 MP's can demand stuff from over 400? Clearly don't understand how it all works and I suspect if its looking like another hefty defeat at the next GE MP's like him won't be standing so that will be even more new candidates seeking election and not knowing how shit works in the HoC - that and the 6 candidates for leader right now looks like a Party in a death spiral


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