I have never liked the man, so I admit that I am biased. However, to me he seems to have too aggressive a temperament to last long at anything. He's always looked to me like the sort of bloke you see in a pub and your sixth-sense tells you to steer clear because he has this aura of scarcely suppressed violence about him. The type who can turn at the drop of a hat.
If he does have mental issues, well so do we all in one way or another: some small some large, some debilitating enough to cause us issues that require treatment and/or medication.
Nor is he is alone in experiencing a troubled childhood, so have billions of others.
I can appreciate the man has his problems, and I don't for one second wish to denigrate the suffering he appears to have endured, but he's obviously an immensely wealthy young man, probably never need to work again, has access to the top psycho-analysts from Harley Street or whatever, and I would assume he lives a life of luxury in comparison to the average working-class man.
Regardless of where he goes from here, he is doomed to failure if he cannot control his anger. Violent outbursts nearly always end up creating further violence and I just get the overall impression that he is one volatile young man.
Hope I'm proved wrong.