The Death Penalty.

Its a very complicated subject. I work in the PFs in Glasgow and have been
saying for years that there should be a mandatory 2 year minimum sentence for all these wee pricks that are constantly picked up "carrying". Believe me they get off with it. If someone goes out carrying a knife theres a good
possibility theyre going to use it. Put it this way, how many times have you gone out for a night and thought to yourself I'd better take a blade? Dont want to sound sanctimonious here but it pisses me right off the way they get off with it.
Newlunar said:
Ally.P said:
kronkonite said:
Death Penalty doesn't work -look at America
a murder for a murder is wrong

My sentiments exactly.

Would you still feel that way if it was one of your loved ones that had been murdered?

Would YOU feel the same if one of your loved ones killed someone accidentally? Because if we have a death penalty Lunar then who is to decide whose life is more worthy than anothers when it comes to executing the one who was responsible? Because that is what it will boil down to....unless someone somewhere is brave enough to call otherwise.
GStar said:
Hi BlackSheep,

Your probably correct, however if bringing back Capital punishment had saved those 30 kids lives yet had wrongly convicted one person, then surely it has had a more successful impact than the current system: 30 innocent dead, or one? Harsh I know.

The problem is you can't have stronger prison sentances when the prisons are full, how do you make more room, get rid of prisoners, how do you do that... humiliating deterrants, a horrible experience in prison and graves.

If bringing back capital punishment had saved those 30 kids? No chance.

Prisons are full? Build more.
I don't think the state has the right to kill someone regardless of crime. I don't know if it actually helps the family of victims either. You often hear families on the news complaining about the length of a sentence when a family member has died but I don't often hear them calling for the death penalty.

Speaking personally I don't think any amount of punishment that a criminal faces would ever make up for the taking of a member of my families life (especially my kids). I definately don't think killing them would get even close to repaying what they had done. So the idea of some punishment acting as retribution to me would be absurd (to me anyway).
mackenzie said:
Newlunar said:
Ally.P said:
kronkonite said:
Death Penalty doesn't work -look at America
a murder for a murder is wrong

My sentiments exactly.

Would you still feel that way if it was one of your loved ones that had been murdered?

Would YOU feel the same if one of your loved ones killed someone accidentally? Because if we have a death penalty Lunar then who is to decide whose life is more worthy than anothers when it comes to executing the one who was responsible? Because that is what it will boil down to....unless someone somewhere is brave enough to call otherwise.

Macca, it's already catered for in British law, for the offence of murder to be complete there has to be malice aforethought. Otherwise it's Manslaughter and even I don't believe some one should be executed for that.
I'm reading a book called Dead or Alive at the moment and the author refers to the self defence laws in this country. They are quite straight forward but people fall foul of them because people drop them selves in the shit. You are definitely allowed to take someone's life if that level of force was reasonable in the circumstances. So in theory if you kill someone, that does not make you a murderer. If you knife a burgler in you own home in a pre-emptive strike because you had a honest held belief that you or your family were in immediate grave danger, you will NOT be found guilty of an unlawful killing. If you chase him down the street and knife him five times in the back, you more than likely will.

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