The Death Penalty.

C_T_I_D said:
In terms of women carrying knives in fear of rape, what would you do about that GStar? Do you acknowledge, if not promote that, as perhaps the only logical solution to that problem?

Of course not... Do you??? Pepper spray, even a taser if you want to go that far.

But for the fourth time... why should you feel you need to carry a weapon? If the rights consequences were put in palce for certain actions then those crimes would and should drop.
mackenzie said:
Kids carry knives because they mix in circles that do likewise. And because they are completely clueless as to the effects of their actions. It's not real to them.

Nothing to do with whether Capital Punishment is brought back or not.

I'm looking at C_T_I_D's posts from the angle of carrying a weapon with intention to harm, regardless of age.
GStar said:
C_T_I_D said:
In terms of women carrying knives in fear of rape, what would you do about that GStar? Do you acknowledge, if not promote that, as perhaps the only logical solution to that problem?

Of course not... Do you??? Pepper spray, even a taser if you want to go that far.

But for the fourth time... why should you feel you need to carry a weapon? If the rights consequences were put in palce for certain actions then those crimes would and should drop.

You're not going to use anything if he grabs you from behind basically. A knife is the easiest thing to use if he's on top of you. Alternatively a good old kick in the bollocks and run as fast as you can is a good solution too.

Tasers are not easy to get hold of. I wouldn't know how to get hold of pepper spray myself so the easiest and most accessible weapon would be a knife.

The need to carry a weapon is simple. It offers you reassurance, it ensures you feel able to protect yourself through that weapon that if someone attacks you you can use it in self defence and at the end of the day the sad reality of the situation is these consequences will not be enforced, I have no confidence in the police and the word should does not necessarily offer any gauruntee that it will.
GStar said:
mackenzie said:
Kids carry knives because they mix in circles that do likewise. And because they are completely clueless as to the effects of their actions. It's not real to them.

Nothing to do with whether Capital Punishment is brought back or not.

I'm looking at C_T_I_D's posts from the angle of carrying a weapon with intention to harm, regardless of age.

I'm posting from the angle of carrying a weapon to defend myself should I be attacked.
I think your straying off topic C_T_I_D.


There is no need to carry a weapon.

If you feel you want to; to boost your belief of safety then be prepared to face the consequences. But to debunk all you've said, you can get pepper spray pretty easily, i'd say its a more common item carried by women than knives, and even if you did have a knife if someone was to attack you, you're most likely not going to have time to locate and use the knife making just as usless as the less dangerous items you've seemingly dismissed as unplausable.

As for should you deserve to face the death penalty, there is no definitive answer... every case would have unique variables.
There have been far too many miscarriages of justice for me to feel confident that every capital conviction would be sound. If the state kills one person incorrectly then it has failed in it's primary duty - to protect it's citizens.

The British (actually, the English) criminal justice system simply isn't sound enough to be trusted with deciding to take someone's life away.

There is also no evidence that the death penalty is a deterent. Look at the countries in the world where it is in use. They are either tyrannical regimes or they have vioent crime levels at least as bad as the UK.

What would be a deterent is a strong approach to youth criminality followed up by reasonable prison sentences where inmates have to work to earn their keep and any priveleges they might feel they should have (like a tv or radio). Prisons should become much more restricted to keep drugs out and it should be an environment no one wants to return to.

The problem is that by the time someone gets to prison they are a career criminal so re-offending rates are sky-high. Nip it in the bud when young and deal strongly with offending behaviour.
Hi BlackSheep,

Your probably correct, however if bringing back Capital punishment had saved those 30 kids lives yet had wrongly convicted one person, then surely it has had a more successful impact than the current system: 30 innocent dead, or one? Harsh I know.

The problem is you can't have stronger prison sentances when the prisons are full, how do you make more room, get rid of prisoners, how do you do that... humiliating deterrants, a horrible experience in prison and graves.
Slightly off topic: Do you think offenders would show any remorse if they saw some of the victims who suffered stab wounds or met the families as had been rumoured to be proposed but later denied?

I'm not normally one to talk politics, but the rate of the rise of knife crime concerns me greatly and cannot go unaddressed.

Would you all consider the death penalty in exceptional cases? I'm glad nobody has yet quoted the 'eye for an eye' saying because I would have replied with 'please join us in the 21st century'.
Capital Punishment is an end result. The crimes we speak of on here (knife crimes) are much closer to the here and now of what constitutes "society." This must be sorted at a roots level, it's the only way.

What is happening in the USA happens here eventually. And the latest suggestion is merely a reflection of what certain States have tried in recent years...the introduction of victims and the perpetrators.

Personally, I'd let them all spend 2 weeks in a morgue as a start.

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