The Death Penalty.

I take your point Lunar....but what if the family of the deceased felt cheated because they considered that the person who was ultimately responsible for their loved ones death was not accorded the same penalty as those who deliberately killed? A pissed up driver for example does not go out to kill deliberatley but many a time it ends up with an innocent family dead in a car.

All I am saying is that whoever brings in Capital Punishment will need to draw a line....and I think THAT will always be the obstacle to its reintroduction.
You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

More prisons and more violence when they get out. Cut murderers balls off for a kick off.
mackenzie said:
I take your point Lunar....but what if the family of the deceased felt cheated because they considered that the person who was ultimately responsible for their loved ones death was not accorded the same penalty as those who deliberately killed? A pissed up driver for example does not go out to kill deliberatley but many a time it ends up with an innocent family dead in a car.

All I am saying is that whoever brings in Capital Punishment will need to draw a line....and I think THAT will always be the obstacle to its reintroduction.

mackenzie, theres no danger of them ever reintroducing the death penalty. I always get pissed off with this manslaughter law. If some arsehole smacks someone who subsequently cracks their head off the pavement and dies then its not murder, cause he didnt really mean it? I find it hard to come to terms with that law. Going off topic a wee bit I know but its not realistic to even consider capital punishment in this country now.
citybhoy said:
mackenzie said:
I take your point Lunar....but what if the family of the deceased felt cheated because they considered that the person who was ultimately responsible for their loved ones death was not accorded the same penalty as those who deliberately killed? A pissed up driver for example does not go out to kill deliberatley but many a time it ends up with an innocent family dead in a car.

All I am saying is that whoever brings in Capital Punishment will need to draw a line....and I think THAT will always be the obstacle to its reintroduction.

mackenzie, theres no danger of them ever reintroducing the death penalty. I always get pissed off with this manslaughter law. If some arsehole smacks someone who subsequently cracks their head off the pavement and dies then its not murder, cause he didnt really mean it? I find it hard to come to terms with that law. Going off topic a wee bit I know but its not realistic to even consider capital punishment in this country now.
So if someone starts on you and then you fight back and they die through what you have said above?

Are you a murderer?
BTâ„¢ said:
citybhoy said:
mackenzie said:
I take your point Lunar....but what if the family of the deceased felt cheated because they considered that the person who was ultimately responsible for their loved ones death was not accorded the same penalty as those who deliberately killed? A pissed up driver for example does not go out to kill deliberatley but many a time it ends up with an innocent family dead in a car.

All I am saying is that whoever brings in Capital Punishment will need to draw a line....and I think THAT will always be the obstacle to its reintroduction.

mackenzie, theres no danger of them ever reintroducing the death penalty. I always get pissed off with this manslaughter law. If some arsehole smacks someone who subsequently cracks their head off the pavement and dies then its not murder, cause he didnt really mean it? I find it hard to come to terms with that law. Going off topic a wee bit I know but its not realistic to even consider capital punishment in this country now.
So if someone starts on you and then you fight back and they die through what you have said above?

Are you a murderer?

As I said before its well complicated, as your point proves. Getting back to the original point I dont ever see the death penalty back, I would like to see sentences for anyone carrying blades and I'd like to see the manslaughter/murder sentence given more serious consideration.
There can't just a be a judicial change but a cultural one. Knife crimes don't make the nightly news in the US. Perhaps individual shootings in the US won't make the news soon as the spate of killing sprees rise. In the Guardian today, there's an article that says in Iran 9 people will be stoned to death for adultery and assorted sexual crimes, 8 women and one man.

Capital punishment is not the answer for ''civilised'' societies.
I dont know if you were being serious GStar but bringing back the stock sounds like a great idea! i'd take days off work just to go and torture little bastard scrotes with my rancid socks.

Sell all the LCD tv's and playstations in prisons and use the money to build more capacity. if I ruled the world our prisons would not resemble hotels with bars on the windows.

No to state sanctioned execution btw. This is the 21st century, welcome.
Question: If the person who murdered the victim was given the death penalty in a court case and then the executer was ordered to see to it they were killed, does that make them any better than the aforementioned murderer or does it make them an imposer of justice?

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