The Derby Post Match Thread

Overall, bitterly disappointing.

We did make a good start. Playing it into feet, and with Milner closing down in their third, we looked a better side.

But as soon as their goal went in, we collapsed. This team can't defend a lead, and have lost the sharpness to outscore the opposition.

Very sad to see our players so dispirited, heartbreaking to see the likes of Aguero and Silva lacking confidence to play a more technical game than the likes of Young and Fellaini.

Navas at RW was a bad move for me. Nothing against him as a character, but since the very start, his main tactical contribution has been to prevent Zab from making those outrageous overlaps that used to win us games.

It's not the only example of that kind of thing - Mangala is unlikely to ever dovetail with Kompany. Jovcetic never once fitted into the team. We have no workable left flank combination. Somehow we have ended up seriously bereft of tactically useful combinations. For that, I do blame the upper management
Just get a CL spot so we can still attract the best players then it has to be balls out in summer. NO fucking about being nice and taking Ffp meekly up the arse.
NO quibbling over the odd £2m extra on a £30-40m transfer.
NO sitting on our hands while Chelsea sign up 3 stars by the mid July.

Bale and Pogba and De Bruyne and Henderson in. And a centre back with some positional sense.
El Ingeniero de Noruega said:
Can ppl ffs stop maoning about sacking Pellegrini. Its not his fault players did not turn up for the match. He cant run and play for them either.
Few players in, few out in the summer, and we are back on track. Squad getting older, and new hungry players inn can keep the momentum in this great club.

Never been one to say sack the manager just because we lost a few games but i have to say its time for Pellers to go and he can take Toure, Nasri, Milner, Lampard, Navas with him.

Toure did fuck all and let Fern run his bollocks off again trying to cover for him. Mangs will get slated for Swampthings goal but he did put in a good shift and he was pushing up trying to win the ball further up as no way was Toure going to try. Silva needs somebody with him to help dictate the game, Serge tried but lacked service apart from a couple of chances.
The fans were great even at 4-1 down i could hear them singing bluemoon and the players should be ashamed of losing to a kick and rush team.
They started to look more like a team after we stopped trying but for 10-15 mins we were all over them.
A complete overhaul next season starting with a new manager who has a plan b. The players look like they know that Pellers has lost it
BigOscar said:
Fucking disgusting. First off, it would be fucking lovely if we managed to get some officials who applied the basic rules of the game to both sides, but seeming as that doesn't look likely any time soon, we'll have to just deal with that.

We started really well, untill they decided to do what every single team has done to us all year, and just target Yaya Toure. After that, they dominated, he never got within 5 yards of anyone and they just overloaded our right hand side. Others were poor as well, particularly Clichy, but you're always going to struggle if you are playing with 10 men for the full 90 minutes. Just fucking awful.

Pellegrini needs to go, but he was hung out to dry today by some of the players. If you put your tactics on Yaya dealing with Fellaini then he doesn't even fucking try, then you're fucked. Milners attempts to nulify Carrick were almost comically shit as well, but that almost became irrelevant with how easy it was for them to attack the Yaya gap.

Has he suddenly become an aged version of himself or does he not want to be here ? I think he needs to move on.
thekippax said:
Despite the offside goals I hate to say it but they deserved it, apart from the 1st half hour they did us fair and square. And if anyone calls me a rag fuck off!!!

Nah, youre not wrong blue. I think we are a much better outfit, but it doesnt fucking matter if you have no desire. Thats what stings about this one, how easily we undid all the good work of shafting them so many times over the last few years. The press are going to have a field day with the 'rightful order restored' shite.
I didn't think that could ever have happened today, particularly when I saw the team sheet. I'm absolutely gutted. Can't believe it's got this wrong. Pellers can't be to blame for all of it. Just hope the core essential players stay and don't jump ship
It's fuckin simple, if offside doesn't count for us, that games was 2-2, I know we were shit but offside is fuckin offside.

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