The Derby Post Match Thread

What i don't get is why no one seemed to notice that side show bob was there most influential player and we never reacted to it.
Fuck me he even had time to take the long balls down on his chest and pass it on. we were getting mullered down the right and nothing changed, nothing from the bench, or from any of the players on the pitch.

We may have been playing 5 in midfield but it never seemed like it.

Made side show bob look like Ibrahimovic ffs.

There was no leadership on the pitch,
its like we are just relying on silva, aguero, toure to do something to get us out of the mediocrity that we find ourselves in.

and i don't believe for one minute that pellers tore them all a new one after the match. He looks like dead man walking at the moment.

If the dippers put a run together we will struggle to get 4th.
carlosthejackal said:
Stoned Rose said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
If you read the bit of Bellamy's autobiography where he signed for Liverpool, he talks about Benitez. He didn't really relate to him as a person but he said he was the most tactically aware manager he'd ever worked with. They didn't do five-a-sides in training, like we seem to do, but focused almost exclusively on the tactical situations they were planning to use in the next game and on nullifying the opponents' strengths. They'd practice these routines ad nauseam.

Does anyone think we prepare to that level?

It's abundantly clear we don't even think about the opposition imo.

I've never seen MP do anything as a proactive measure to counter an opponent's strengths.

MP's approach is clearly one of we've got the 'best players; so we'll outscore you. This is great when the machinery is working and the players are motivated and 'into it' but it's one hell of a risk to be putting yourself in a position where you need to be scoring 2,3,4 goals to win games of football.

Imagine Mourinho with this set of players? I think we'd absolutely walk this league.
Be interesting to see how they cope with microphone head next week, I doubt Chelsea will give him the freedom we gave him today.

Of course he wont,he is a class a manager,Pelle is a wanker...fcuk me beat by TT
Balti said:
Stoned Rose said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
If you read the bit of Bellamy's autobiography where he signed for Liverpool, he talks about Benitez. He didn't really relate to him as a person but he said he was the most tactically aware manager he'd ever worked with. They didn't do five-a-sides in training, like we seem to do, but focused almost exclusively on the tactical situations they were planning to use in the next game and on nullifying the opponents' strengths. They'd practice these routines ad nauseam.

Does anyone think we prepare to that level?

It's abundantly clear we don't even think about the opposition imo.

I've never seen MP do anything as a proactive measure to counter an opponent's strengths.

MP's approach is clearly one of we've got the 'best players; so we'll outscore you. This is great when the machinery is working and the players are motivated and 'into it' but it's one hell of a risk to be putting yourself in a position where you need to be scoring 2,3,4 goals to win games of football.

Imagine Mourinho with this set of players? I think we'd absolutely walk this league.


but it wouldn't be nice and ''holistic''

being ''holistic'' is apparently more important than winning

I think the holistic thing is more about the 'club infrastructure' than the manager preparing the squad properly for games.

If you analyse Chelsea they move as a unit whether it be offensively or defensively. Each player knows his place and his function. They are totally and utterly 'drilled' and like Ferguson the players are frightened to cross him or question him.

Under MP our players have no strategic focus, no 'mission', no understanding of the minutiae of the opponent's game.
Regarding FFP. It's clear from the post match analysis everyone knows the agenda. How is this not worth fighting in a court of law?
Bluecoll said:
Danielmanc said:
FFP didn't make us lose to Burnley, Palace or even United - it really didn't

Actually, indirectly it did.

The whole game is based around money. When the new regime came in there weren't the restrictions that are in place now and we were able to spend what we wanted when we wanted to. As a result we assembled the nucleus of the 2012 Championship winning team with the likes of Hart, Zabaletta, Kompany, Toure, Silve and Aguero, all of them arguably world class. Last close season, with the FFP restrictions in place, we weren't able to spend the same sort of money (whereas the likes of united could) and didn't appreciably improve the squad. Which leads us to where we are today with an aging team who look tired and complacent.

A good model is to bring in one or two top class players every year as well as blood one or two youngsters. That way they integrate into the team and you have continuity and players hungry for success. The players we bought in the close season and since are not top players, we bought quantity over quality. Magala must have looked good on paper but hasn't cut it. God knows what happened to make us buy Fernando. Is Bony world class? And when was the last time we saw a player from a very successful youth set up break into the first team for a run of games?

Looking to the future we have to come up with a workable strategy of getting the best players available and also stay within FFP rules. For instance we need to replace Yaya, not just because of his performances but because his massive wage bill is causing us FFP problems.

The root of our problems now are due to not being able to use money we have but can't spend, and a woeful set of choices when we have spent. This squad is the fifth oldest in Europe and we're going to have to invest heavily over the next couple of years to get us back on track. If we can under FFP regulations. Not getting Champions League status next season will not only make it harder to attract top quality players but will also impact on our ability to spend to get the right men for the job.

Like it or not, FFP has a massive bearing over how City and playing now and how we'll do over the next few seasons.
I agree with this. We need a fresh injection of top class talent evry year. Not loads, but one or two top players to keep the hunger and put other players on their toes.
With the recent handicap we bought second level who won't push for starting places.
The-Dogs-Pollocks said:
Laying all the blame on tactics and Pellegrinis insistence on 442 seems a bit harsh on him. We played 5 in midfield today and still got beat.

We played with 5 midfield players but we didn't play 5 in midfield.
KnaresboroughBlue said:
The-Dogs-Pollocks said:
Laying all the blame on tactics and Pellegrinis insistence on 442 seems a bit harsh on him. We played 5 in midfield today and still got beat.

We played with 5 midfield players but we didn't play 5 in midfield.
He played Milner has a striker .
It didn't work yet again
The-Dogs-Pollocks said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
If you read the bit of Bellamy's autobiography where he signed for Liverpool, he talks about Benitez. He didn't really relate to him as a person but he said he was the most tactically aware manager he'd ever worked with. They didn't do five-a-sides in training, like we seem to do, but focused almost exclusively on the tactical situations they were planning to use in the next game and on nullifying the opponents' strengths. They'd practice these routines ad nauseam.

Does anyone think we prepare to that level?
Do we even do anything in regards to the opposition strengths?

Has anybody seen us do anything tactically this season to nullify the opposition?

Laying all the blame on tactics and Pellegrinis insistence on 442 seems a bit harsh on him. We played 5 in midfield today and still got beat. If the players aren't willing to work for each other and track back then tactics, formations and analysis go out the window. In fact I seem to recall pellers having a special video suite installed to analyse the opposition, strengths/ weaknesses etc last season.

I bloody hope we don't go after Benitez, I'd rather stick with Pellers.

It's not the fact that we had 5 in midfield today, actually we didn't Milner played alongside Aguero; but the fact that we keep playing Yaya in a two man midfield and expect to win. That my friend lays the blame fairly and squarely at Pellegrini's door. After a dozen or so examples of it not working against the better teams you think the penny might have dropped by now?

I would go as far as to say that the game was lost because Yaya lost his battle with Fellani which gave United the platform to build their attacks and ultimately win the game. Is that Yaya's fault? Maybe, I'm not sure. His legs have gone; anyone who watched the African Nations in January will have seen that; he was awful and looked a fish out of water as younger, faster players just ran past him. People come on here and call him a disgrace. I'm willing to accept the argument that he doesn't give a shit about us but I find it hard to believe that he doesn't care for his country despite being their captain. He was worse for the Ivory Coast than he has been for us. It cant be desire because he loves his country, or are people going to argue on here that he doesn't give a shit about them as well?

The fact is, the guy is huge; a freak of nature for a midfield player and now his body is feeling the rigors of his career and can no longer do the things it used to be able to do. His legs have gone and the only position he can now play is number 10 behind Aguero.

Pellegrini cant see this and we pay the price when Yaya doesn't track his man and the opposition score yet again. Fernando should have played against Fellani today and fought him for every ball. Silva should have played out wide for the ineffective Navas and Yaya in behind Aguero.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
All you rags on here, all you plastic softarses who never go, all you woodworms who only see the light of day when you win, after years and years of mocking us by saying it means fuck all beating us, after years of laughing at us as we tried and failed to get a result against you.. Today, today my gobby friends, today it meant somert to you, this was your cup final, this meant something to you, you felt it, you wanted it.. This wasn't this is how it feels to be city, this was the day that your feelings for us changed forever... Your obsession for us was tangible, you wasn't mocking us, it wasn't ickle old citeh anymore... It felt like a victory knowing that we're under your skin forever, we're that tattoo on your arm that you can hide but you know that it's always there...
Today you won the battle.
We will win the war.
The-Dogs-Pollocks said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
If you read the bit of Bellamy's autobiography where he signed for Liverpool, he talks about Benitez. He didn't really relate to him as a person but he said he was the most tactically aware manager he'd ever worked with. They didn't do five-a-sides in training, like we seem to do, but focused almost exclusively on the tactical situations they were planning to use in the next game and on nullifying the opponents' strengths. They'd practice these routines ad nauseam.

Does anyone think we prepare to that level?
Do we even do anything in regards to the opposition strengths?

Has anybody seen us do anything tactically this season to nullify the opposition?

Laying all the blame on tactics and Pellegrinis insistence on 442 seems a bit harsh on him. We played 5 in midfield today and still got beat. If the players aren't willing to work for each other and track back then tactics, formations and analysis go out the window. In fact I seem to recall pellers having a special video suite installed to analyse the opposition, strengths/ weaknesses etc last season.

I bloody hope we don't go after Benitez, I'd rather stick with Pellers.
Formation is neither here nor there. United pump the ball into Fellaini at every opportunity. Whether you play 442, 433, 451 matters not if you don't have a single player to at least challenge him for the fucking ball.

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