The Derby Post Match Thread

Our day will come said:
TCIB said:
Our day will come said:
Don't know what's worse, the gutless performance or a team we've laughed at all season now 4 points clear of us

What is worse are people with 2 posts chipping in just now.

Sorry, my mistake. Didn't realise you can only post after a win.

too cunts
80s Shorts said:
babyajay said:
80s Shorts said:
There was a choice to made when Mancini evidently "lost" the dressing room. IMO the hierarchy made the wrong call.

The cull should have been in the dressing room.

Mancini saw right through the players who had no heart and bottle. Board back them and not the manager. Disgrace.

Get him back and bring some life and passion back into this team.

I would absolutely love it if that was to happen and the whole place would be lifted.

Sadly, it won't happen.

Agree it won't happen, mainly because the board seem to lack any logic or sense these days in the majority of decisions they make.
jimmygrimblesboots said:
bluelol said:
I think at this moment we are all being a little short sighted, there is a bigger picture, surely there has to be a bigger picture, just has to be a bigger picture, I’m convinced there is a bigger picture, can’t you see the bigger picture? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theres also light at the end of the tunnel , has anyone got any money for a 100w bulb ?

Haaaaaa, I've started a collection Jimmy!!
bluelol said:
I think at this moment we are all being a little short sighted, there is a bigger picture, surely there has to be a bigger picture, just has to be a bigger picture, I’m convinced there is a bigger picture, can’t you see the bigger picture? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the Dippers win tomorrow, then 4th place is theirs for the taking. Even a modicum of form should be enough to overhaul us. If we can't get up for a derby match, how is the rest of the season going to go?
Feels like the late 90s early 2000s again when we were shit ......

Utd are average yet they were streets ahead of us today .........

I posted earlier that Zabba and Komps should stay during the cull....having 2nd thoughts now.....

Hart, Silva, Fernandinho and Aguero should be the only 100% safe players
I said it weeks ago about us being in a battle stay in top four and got called all sorts.
Where are we now? In an ugly battle to stay in 4th. We will be lucky to stay there. Southampton will be above us before we know it if this shit isn't sorted sharpish.
It's the end of the world!!!

Sack everybody. Rargh Rargh Rargh.

Yes it's shit we lost but in context It's much happier knowing we aren't in a relegation battle this season and we can somewhat compete against the likes of Burnley and Palace (hahaha)

Crazy we are.


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