The Derby Post Match Thread

I'm strangely quite pleased with that. Away from home, against imho our main challengers for the title, without Silva, Aguero, Nasri. I'll take a point every day of the week.

AND we actually looked liked we can defend for a change, so some positives to take from the game.

We move on... with another point :-)
Do you think they'll look a more dangerous side when we've got Aguero and Silva back?
They are obviously as dangerous as we have the same number of points. Like you said WHEN we have aguero and silva back. It worries me how bang average we look without them two. With sergios injury record then I wouldn't bet that we haven't seen the last of his injuries this season. Hope I'm wrong. Bony isn't good enough. We need a better striker to cover .
And am I supposed to cry over what others think ?? Fuck me you don`t know me at all mate.I say it how it is not what I think the happy clappers may want to hear.
No you say it how you see it, not how it is.

That's why you're hugely in the minority and why people keep pulling your posts up. But it seems only you losing your rag with the repeated ??!!!?!'s after every other sentence.

Or does that just show us how big a blue you are being?
We were fantastic in defence.
The same players ran through us like a dose of salts last season when our legs went after 10 mins. Today, we were almost in a similar position fatigue wise. The effort DeBruyne & Fernandinho put in midweek was immense. We were right up against it today. I was watching the huge gaps appearing v Seville & the work those two were having to do & quietly having nightmares about Pellegrini treating today's game with the same kind of wide open attitude.

Of course if everyone is 100% fit & rested you would hope for more cohesive attacking, but they are not.

This was a classic title winning type performance & I'd snap your hand off for the same at Arsenal if positions are similar & a point will do. Not losing was the most important result today.

Sums it up nicely.
Good point for us without Aguero and Silva. They will be gutted they couldn't beat us on their own ground. Lads back on top again, what's not to like ?
I haven't seen the game but it sounded quite dire from all the reports. Turtle had this to say,was he right?

Manchester United boss Louis van Gaal: "It was a very tough game for both sides. We were unlucky, they were lucky.

"We had 90 minutes control of the game against a side like Manchester City. I cannot complain. But you want to win and we did not.

"We should have had a penalty on Ander Herrera. It is easy to see for me but I have a replay. The referee has one second.

"I always say we need the modern technology but I am the only one in the desert calling for it."

I am worried we are too light up front this season and i know it is fairly early days but i just don't think Bony suits our style of play at all.Happy we are top after a fairly tough start and the injuries,bedding new players in.We need to work an a system that gets the best out of Bony when Aguero is missing or move on and get a replacement.
He shagged his daughter, so fuck that guy, the inbread Dutch ****.

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