The Derby Post Match Thread

Job done,top of the table,United are shite,Arsenal only possible threat,happy days.
We could have played him in a central 3 which would have given us the protection of the 2 Ferns but still with someone who who could pick the ball up deep and retain possession for us.
Great in theory, and it did work when Yaya dropped a couple of times, but Bony was isolated as it was without having that kind of gap. Possibly if we'd been lined up with Sterling as the frontman with Navas and Kev wide it could have worked? At least then we'd have had pace for Yaya to knock balls into space behind their fullbacks.
1 shot on target, at home, when you are going for 3 points over your nearest rivals, says everything I need to know about City's performance today.

Clean sheet at The Swamp is a good thing on any visit, anytime.

Take the point, stay top of the league, move on. Van Gaal will be frustrated, because with Yaya playing in the hole and walking around in a thirty yard circle in the middle of the park, he was played around all game, so we were a man down for much of the game. Throw in the fact that Bony was barely a factor, and it is testament to the work done by the 7 defenders (Hart, back 4 and the 2 Ferns). Thought the defensive box was brilliant today. Kompany, Otamendi, Fernando and Fernandinho should all share MOTM today, because they "singlehandedly" shut down United.

Fernandinho is rapidly making a case for POTY, and it is only the fact that th best creative midfielder, best forward and best keeper are all in the same team that stops him being lauded as the best defensive midfielder in the league. He prowls the field like an assassin seeking his prey. However, he needs to get a yellow card soon, so he's available over the Christmas fixtures, especially The Arse!

Like most, I'll take a point away against ANY AND ALL of the Top 6, even though I'd like to snag 3 pts every game!

1) Domination at the Etihad, away draws against top competitors, and the occasional hiccup here and there wins us the League.
2) Get out of the Group in the CL, and get a decent draw in the knock out, and we can beat anyone on the day.
3) Two deep domestic Cup runs, with at least one of them in the cabinet by mid May.

THAT is completely achievable and makes me pinch myself after what I've been through with City for 50 yrs!

That said, next season, we MUST start bringing through some of the EDS and replacing some of the current squad, including a starter or two(?), with the highest quality YOUNG TALENT in the world.

For me, Yaya's head is gone and that was the only thing keeping his legs in the game. When he is up for it, he is world class. When he isn't, he looks like an overweight old man, who is both a step too slow and a petulant moment away from getting the team into trouble. No shame there, because he has been an outstanding talent for a decade. However, the fat lady is gargling and doing her scales, and the constant moaning every time he leaves the country and talks to the media is way beyond old. Break the bank for Pogba in the summer, develop Evans, keep the two Ferns and Delph and that should take care of the engine room for another year.

I only bring up the whole Yaya thing because the game literally passed him by today, and exposed his increasingly obvious weaknesses. Playing him in the 10 hole exposes his lack of desire to hustle back, with him further forward that Bony for long stretches of the game. I can't remember a single surge forward where he got ahead...and stayed ahead...of his man. If he doesn't have that aspect of his game going for him, then what's the point?

Sterling needs a break. Get him in the training ground and get him sorted. Kiddo has been doing extra work with him on his finishing, but he needs to learn how to operate inside the team ethos. Yes, he can be spectacular and can score, but in a grind out, as today turned into, he is lost and ineffective.

Anyway, too much analysis when all I wanted to say is "City, City, Top of the League, City, STILL Top of the League!"

We were second best all over the park today. If anybody deserved to win, it was them (not that they really threatened).
However, we know we were well below par, and they are probably as good as they'll get.

Our midfield is no match for the best in Europe, and if we can't control midfield then we will struggle against the very best teams.

A point scraped today, but it's not bad all things considered.

Even though De Bruyne didn't set the world alight today, he still looked our best forward player.
Yaya either doesn't, or can't put in a serious shift. Either way, he's becoming more of a luxury than a necessity and we need to bolster that midfield big time.
Well my perspective of United is ... they are a piss poor team.

Yes - we've all gathered that but very few agree with you and you are not prepared to reconsider anything thus you will never learn or change. Accordingly I don't know why I'm replying. It's fun I suppose...
Yes - we've all gathered that but very few agree with you and you are not prepared to reconsider anything thus you will never learn or change. Accordingly I don't know why I'm replying. It's fun I suppose...
Had we won most would have said we beat a very poor team anyway.Because we didn`t they are now a good team all of a sudden.Opinions hey,we shouldn`t be allowed to air them on a forum.
They are obviously as dangerous as we have the same number of points. Like you said WHEN we have aguero and silva back. It worries me how bang average we look without them two. With sergios injury record then I wouldn't bet that we haven't seen the last of his injuries this season. Hope I'm wrong. Bony isn't good enough. We need a better striker to cover .
We've still managed to score 6 more goals than them whilst conceding the same.
All these moaning gits would've been crying like girls if we would've got beat playing open football without 2 of our best players out, back top of the league!

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