The dissipation of creativity's adulation.

rushts said:
strongbowholic said:
Roget was also the co founder of the Manchester medical school







Did you know that if you take the 1st letter of the above words they make...R E C P T P ?

which in Korean means ' Moldova is a landlocked country'

this actually made me laugh out loud. still some quality on here.
zangatangring said:
I had a conversation with 3 extremely intelligent friends. The conversation spun around the way in which creativity is commended in modern times. They argued that creativity is not innate and is merely manipulated by the environment around you. While doing this, they vehemently expressed their discredit for creativity and didn't regard it as pertaining to any innate cranial abilitiy.

Has coporate oppression begun to have such a profound effect that stupid or ignorant people begin to assume this? Whereby people only credit cranial feats that correlate with academia? How stupid or ignorant do you have to be?

Ignoring the over complected nonsense, you are basically saying, you were having a discussion with your friends about the modern view of creativity? They argued it is not something you are born with but rather something you learn/gain based on the environment? This is true to some extend. Creativity is something you are born with, and it can be expanded based on the environment. Creativity is not just in arts, creativity plays a huge role in all the technical and scientific disciplines.

To be successful programmer, engineer, or scientists you need the right mix of knowledge and creativity. With the latter playing a huge role in your problem solving abilities. New never seen problems pop up regularly in these three specializations, without creativity and previous knowledge your solution may not be the best suited one. The key to success is to have the right mix of knowledge and creativity.

Einstein said:
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Academia tries to improve both knowledge and creativity. It is why people pay attention to the grades but grades do not really tell the full story. Your grades will get you an interview and YOU will have to earn the job. From my own experience, some people with high grades are only good on paper. They have a very unique ability to cram before exams and this is quite easily "testable" in conversations.
zangatangring said:
I had a conversation with 3 extremely intelligent friends. The conversation spun around the way in which creativity is commended in modern times. They argued that creativity is not innate and is merely manipulated by the environment around you. While doing this, they vehemently expressed their discredit for creativity and didn't regard it as pertaining to any innate cranial abilitiy.

Has coporate oppression begun to have such a profound effect that stupid or ignorant people begin to assume this? Whereby people only credit cranial feats that correlate with academia? How stupid or ignorant do you have to be?

Yes, i spend much rumination over this phenomenon. In any modern human civilization, there is and always will be convergence when regarding this fact. It really infuriates me. It discredits some of the modern geniuses. I couldn't even fathom the fact that they in no way perceived the likes of say...

Hendrix, Thomas Bangalter, Guy de homem-christo, Mitch Hedberg, Lady Gaga, and Dave Chappelle.

as having immutable and intrinsic mental attributes. Does anyone else think this way?

Can't anyone see past the corporate attire they wear?

It's sad....

It seems we're are children of the world, forever hypnotized by the dictums of the movie of our own creation.

chav-ER-garry-dough said:
zangatangring said:
Gelsons Dad said:
You may wish to stop trying to use big words and try to concentrate more on clearly explaining what you're trying to say.
Without being rude, your opening post is so bad it's almost unintelligible.

Yep, I acknowledge that. Sorry, it's harder, with my abilities, to be clearer in a more practical way. I'll try.

I'm sorry, but that statement is just profoundly arrogant. I quite like you, I thought you got unfair stick when you first arrived and started using lexicon that was, shall we say, a little more advanced than was necessarily advisable on a ‘fun’ football forum. At the time I thought "He’s probably just studying philosophy at A-level and is overly anxious to give off an "intelligent" "vibe" about himself". For a time this seemed to be true and you soon started to contribute well to the forum, in "plain" English no less!

But to say that you struggle to be clear "because of your abilities" is just ridiculous. I urge you to look back at the posts by the likes of Damocles, Skashion and Sweynforkbeard, come back then and tell me that your so called intellectual "abilities" are greater than the three aforementioned individuals who are, as far as I’m concerned, very intelligent. Why is it then, that they have absolutely no problem whatsoever putting their thoughts down with lucidity and clarity in simple plain language the layperson can understand? There are very few people in history who could viably claim what you just have, well at least without having a stratospherically overinflated opinion of self worth.

Kant, yes. You, no.
He's a Kant of the highest order mate.
chav-ER-garry-dough said:
zangatangring said:
Gelsons Dad said:
You may wish to stop trying to use big words and try to concentrate more on clearly explaining what you're trying to say.
Without being rude, your opening post is so bad it's almost unintelligible.

Yep, I acknowledge that. Sorry, it's harder, with my abilities, to be clearer in a more practical way. I'll try.

I'm sorry, but that statement is just profoundly arrogant. I quite like you, I thought you got unfair stick when you first arrived and started using lexicon that was, shall we say, a little more advanced than was necessarily advisable on a ‘fun’ football forum. At the time I thought "He’s probably just studying philosophy at A-level and is overly anxious to give off an "intelligent" "vibe" about himself". For a time this seemed to be true and you soon started to contribute well to the forum, in "plain" English no less!

But to say that you struggle to be clear "because of your abilities" is just ridiculous. I urge you to look back at the posts by the likes of Damocles, Skashion and Sweynforkbeard, come back then and tell me that your so called intellectual "abilities" are greater than the three aforementioned individuals who are, as far as I’m concerned, very intelligent. Why is it then, that they have absolutely no problem whatsoever putting their thoughts down with lucidity and clarity in simple plain language the layperson can understand? There are very few people in history who could viably claim what you just have, well at least without having a stratospherically overinflated opinion of self worth.

Kant, yes. You, no.

I'm saying my abilities are insufficient!!!! I'm really not that arrogant at all.... I'm aware that it may seem that way though.
zangatangring said:
chav-ER-garry-dough said:
zangatangring said:
Yep, I acknowledge that. Sorry, it's harder, with my abilities, to be clearer in a more practical way. I'll try.

I'm sorry, but that statement is just profoundly arrogant. I quite like you, I thought you got unfair stick when you first arrived and started using lexicon that was, shall we say, a little more advanced than was necessarily advisable on a ‘fun’ football forum. At the time I thought "He’s probably just studying philosophy at A-level and is overly anxious to give off an "intelligent" "vibe" about himself". For a time this seemed to be true and you soon started to contribute well to the forum, in "plain" English no less!

But to say that you struggle to be clear "because of your abilities" is just ridiculous. I urge you to look back at the posts by the likes of Damocles, Skashion and Sweynforkbeard, come back then and tell me that your so called intellectual "abilities" are greater than the three aforementioned individuals who are, as far as I’m concerned, very intelligent. Why is it then, that they have absolutely no problem whatsoever putting their thoughts down with lucidity and clarity in simple plain language the layperson can understand? There are very few people in history who could viably claim what you just have, well at least without having a stratospherically overinflated opinion of self worth.

Kant, yes. You, no.

I'm saying my abilities are insufficient!!!! I'm really not that arrogant at all.... I'm aware that it may seem that way though.

People have told you before, haven't they mate.

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