The Etihad Stadium Is NOT A Creche

One guy near me took his two year old son and the lad spent part of the game with his back to the game banging his seat up and down - didn't bother me but there were a few people not particularly happy about it.

My little girl is three and I can't see me taking her for a couple of years yet. I don't think it's fair to other people around you if the child isn't watching the game and is doing something distracting to the fans around them - they've paid £30 or £40 to watch football and possibly get away from their own kids for a couple of hours and it's not fair.

I've taken the other two who were 6 and 10 and 5 of the 6 times we went in the family stand - for their comfort and so the constant questions and chatting didn't spoil anyone else's enjoyment. I hate it in there as there isn't much atmosphere but I wouldn't take them anywhere else until they were a bit older.

The family stand is for people with kids and I think it's only fair that very young ones should be taken there - people go to match to watch football and its very expensive - to have some kid making a racket next to them is not right.
ello_jo said:
Didsbury Dave said:
ello_jo said:
To make them love city, theres a few lads who come in our shop with kids under 6 who go to the game but don't really understand it. But the joy u can get from hearing a child who doesn't know anything about football running round shouting city, city is awesome! They are going to grow up to be true blues, and the op really is a miserable twat of the highest order.
I'm not sure that taking them too
Young makes them love city, it might put them off for life. I've seen young kids bored to tears before. My 3 kids are all 5 and under and I'm not taking them for a while yet as it isn't fair to expect them to sit for 90 minutes.

I think most parents taking toddlers do it for themselves, not the kids. My dad took me to my first game at Maine road aged 6.
Ah so thats where you're age limit came from? Im sure if he took you at five your original post would've read "its kids under the age of about 5 which I find odd." Am I right? I am aren't I?
No. I think I was a bit too young if I'm really honest. It doesn't offend me what others do, each to their own. I'm just commenting that for me it seems a bit silly and pointless taking kids who are too young. I love to spend time with my kids but I do it at places they enjoy rather than endure
The Fat el Hombre said:
I gets into the ground yesterday, first thing I see on the tv screens is herman with his kids, on the fucking pitch! I walk down to my row and to get past my seat I have to usher myself past about 8 different people all holding little fucking kids. Half way through the game I look round and all these little kids are sat there on their fucking phones dicking about playing snake or whatever they do, this is after I've poznanned in some ribena that one of the little bastards had spilt. The Etihad stadium IS NOT A FUCKING CRECHE

Take your fucking kids and fuck off home, and that includes you herman

Were you that wanker that when asked to curb your totally obscene language in front of my kids who were causing no problem whatsoever, reacted by hurling even further abuse directed and me and the kids. "Why don't you just FUCK OFF to the family stand then you ****?"
Right go on ill nibble ive been taking my lad in the east/south corner level 2 since he was 2 (nearly 3) he's now approaching 7 so he's a fourth year season ticket holder (in Maine road terms) and he absolutely loves it, yeah course he asks some random questions which is absolutely par for the course but mainly he sits there contentedly watching the game, singing songs, poznaning when we score and all in all having a great day.

I can assure you I don't take him for my pleasure it'd be just as easy to leave him at home with his mum and go on the piss every game but like many have said these kids are our clubs future, in years to come the little bugger can wheel me to the games in my wheelchair and take me for a piss when I need 1 but until then ill continue to take him if it's ok with you?

By the way on the way home from the final at wembley his exact quote was 'thank you for the best day of my life dad' you can't buy that shit!
reddishblue said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
I gets into the ground yesterday, first thing I see on the tv screens is herman with his kids, on the fucking pitch! I walk down to my row and to get past my seat I have to usher myself past about 8 different people all holding little fucking kids. Half way through the game I look round and all these little kids are sat there on their fucking phones dicking about playing snake or whatever they do, this is after I've poznanned in some ribena that one of the little bastards had spilt. The Etihad stadium IS NOT A FUCKING CRECHE

Take your fucking kids and fuck off home, and that includes you herman

Were you that wanker that when asked to curb your totally obscene language in front of my kids who were causing no problem whatsoever, reacted by hurling even further abuse directed and me and the kids. "Why don't you just FUCK OFF to the family stand then you ****?"

just out of interest, what row was this pleb stood on. i am in 117 too and thought he was referring to my son. heres my earlier reply to his post

SouthStandStander said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
I gets into the ground yesterday, first thing I see on the tv screens is herman with his kids, on the fucking pitch! I walk down to my row and to get past my seat I have to usher myself past about 8 different people all holding little fucking kids. Half way through the game I look round and all these little kids are sat there on their fucking phones dicking about playing snake or whatever they do, this is after I've poznanned in some ribena that one of the little bastards had spilt. The Etihad stadium IS NOT A FUCKING CRECHE

Take your fucking kids and fuck off home, and that includes you herman

take a look at my location cunty. i hope you aint referring to my son or little bastard as you stated. i was there yesterday with my son who is nearly 3. he watches city with me at home, preseason, aways etc. he sings city songs and cheers when we score. if i want to take him to watch city like my dad did with me, then i fucking will do.
did you not have a good childhood? did your dad not take you to the football? how dare you spout off on an internet forum about some kids who have all probably had a great day out with their mums and dads. why didnt you go and tell your feelings to the father of the little bastard(s) that pissed you off so much? ill tell you why... because your fucking coward. if you was referring to my son in your rant, then i wish you had came up to me yesterday.
Maybe you should stay at home then, because it's something your gonna have to get use to.
I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for my dad taking me from the age of 4.

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