What a load of bollox, as if anyone buying shares is actually thinking I better not buy this stock now since the FTSE 100 is at 6999.99. FWIW, I have bought a few banking/finance shares today and will continue to do so every time there is another big drop (or until I run out of cash!). I might lose out in the short term but I am fairly sure I will be up in 1 year's time.

That is exactly my sentiments. Waiting for my 12 month bond to mature next month and then buying as many RBS shares as possible to bring my average down. I will then sit tight for as long as it takes. It’s the one area of gambling where I decide when to cash in.
Mine gone down around 13% but on the plus side our lass just sold her house so we got more money to put in than I had on my own
Mine went down 17% yesterday. Lost half its value in a week. Serves me right for sticking with banks and energy I guess. Glad I stayed away from airlines!

Playing the long game because some have gone down from £2 to the price I paid in 1992, 43p. Never thought I’d see this and a real chance of capital loss. If I sold would be at a huge loss.
Mine went down 17% yesterday. Lost half its value in a week. Serves me right for sticking with banks and energy I guess. Glad I stayed away from airlines!

Playing the long game because some have gone down from £2 to the price I paid in 1992, 43p. Never thought I’d see this and a real chance of capital loss. If I sold would be at a huge loss.

hold your nerve blue. You’ve realised no loss yet and there will be an upswing....might take a couple of years to get back to £2 though.
Those senior Brexiteers that bet on a market collapse as a result of a No Deal Brexit have been able to cash in early. Maybe there's more chance of a good deal now if they've already made their money?
Slightly tongue in cheek comment but I wouldn't be totally surprised if there was an element of truth.
I have worked in this industry for 33 years this year and this last couple of weeks has been the worst since I was working in the City at the age of 18 dealing with the Great Storm and the Stockmarket crash of 1987. It was brutal and this is brutal. Cautious clients have seen falls of 10% plus in 3 weeks. Adventurous clients have seen falls of 25% plus in some cases.

Sometimes when money is involved, the rational side of your brain tells you to sit it out and stay calm but the emotional side sometimes makes people do irrational things.

Warren Buffet is one of the most successful investors of all time. Two of his quotes are.

“Be fearful when others are being greedy and be greedy when others are being fearful”


“Our favourite holding period is forever”

However, this only applies if you make the right decisions. Investing in individual shares is very risky. I have had my fingers burnt many times. My worst loss 97% of value. What could possibly go wrong with an African Mining company in war torn country?

I am a fan of diversification and investing in line with risk tolerance. It’s no good ticking a box on a risk questionnaire saying you are happy to see falls of 15% and then being shocked when the investment falls by 15%.

Selling in a crisis is never a good idea though for me.

The American markets are up 9% based on Trump declaring an emergency. This frees up $$$$. The UK market is forecast to open 350 points up on Monday. This will however be very much dependant on the evolving crisis
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